Author Topic: The bomb-generator thing in rooms  (Read 9672 times)

Offline Pepisolo

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Re: The bomb-generator thing in rooms
« Reply #30 on: January 10, 2017, 09:39:11 am »
Yeah, as far I as was aware it was a rule that needing missiles to clear a room was a big no-no -- however, I don't think this was ever officially spelled out or anything, which is why there's a bit of confusion. So, it may just have been a rule in my mind, heh. Perhaps Misery should add this to his room guidelines notes. Back in the day, if missiles were required to clear rooms then the game would spawn a new missile -- incredibly hacky design -- so thankfully needing missiles to clear rooms was removed completely. Going forward, it should certainly be a more official rule, I think.

Offline ptarth

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Re: The bomb-generator thing in rooms
« Reply #31 on: January 10, 2017, 12:10:47 pm »
Changes occurred that made the room much more difficult that it was originally.

Would everyone be satisfied if:
  • spawners generated missiles if the player was out (missiles are not generated if there are missile pickups in the room and some various other exploitation things)?
  • There was a forced path that if followed placed missiles in the players way, and terminated pointing at a generator.
  • Removal of the defender enemy.

This would effectively make the room a tutorial for spawners. We also need to have more rooms with spawners, but that's... I can't use that word any more so... something to look forward too.
Also, I've very sad that everyone isn't more appreciative of the zombots, those are awesome.(I didn't even make them).

Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline carldong

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Re: The bomb-generator thing in rooms
« Reply #32 on: January 10, 2017, 04:19:35 pm »
Changes occurred that made the room much more difficult that it was originally.

Would everyone be satisfied if:
  • spawners generated missiles if the player was out (missiles are not generated if there are missile pickups in the room and some various other exploitation things)?
  • There was a forced path that if followed placed missiles in the players way, and terminated pointing at a generator.
  • Removal of the defender enemy.

This would effectively make the room a tutorial for spawners. We also need to have more rooms with spawners, but that's... I can't use that word any more so... something to look forward too.
Also, I've very sad that everyone isn't more appreciative of the zombots, those are awesome.(I didn't even make them).

I would say it is a break from guideline somewhat... If you decide to go that far about auto dropping missiles, why not just put eggs around? Player should be able to find out if an egg destroys something, a milssile can. Otherwise, put this room in the tutorial, instead of blocking a player as their first room.

Offline carldong

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Re: The bomb-generator thing in rooms
« Reply #33 on: January 10, 2017, 06:48:36 pm »
This room confuses me:


I see some of those "bombs" left over when I cleared the room, so there is a bomb-generator-thing in that room. Why does it auto clear there?