If you need another, I've got sufficient time to spend on it for the upcoming week. However, I'm not confident I'm proficient enough at the genre. I can play TLF on Misery Combat level with Misery, but I don't find it fun. Otherwise I'll see you guys in the second wave.
Seriously, it doesnt get THAT hard.
It's also worth noting that THIS doesnt have the main issue that TLF had on that difficulty: There's no inflation of enemy health numbers or anything. Enemy HP does not change/scale with the difficulty this time. Your own max HP and shields will change, and as stated before, boss patterns and such will become weaker/slower/thinner on lower difficulties VS higher ones (it's just that this bit isnt there yet). There may be other things that change (heck if I know) but things dont alter in such a way that would make everything take forever.
And heck, I could prioritize the designing of weaker versions of enemy patterns for lower difficulties if that turned out to be needed right away, if Chris should want me to do that. That's not hard or time consuming to do. But for right now, you could just put the game on easy or very easy in order to have lots of HP to work with.
The actual game areas ARENT bullet-hell style. Bullet SPAM, yes, but because these are not huge open rooms most of the time (think rooms like in Isaac or, well, pretty much any other game of this type, which are usually filled with walls and things) there isnt room for full bullet-hell situations to appear. And the enemies dont fire even close to as often to produce that anyway.
Really though, it's not as hard as it looks or sounds. It's just not meant to be that sort of thing. The "base" difficulty is likely to be, well, right around where it usually is for an Arcen game, I expect.