Alpha - The most "normal" of the new stuff. The ray, like the flamethrower has trouble in 1-tile wide areas and against reaper bosses.
Yeah. I'm not really sure what can be done about that without redesigning those weapons at this stage. Hopefully that's an acceptable or tolerable negative of using those weapons. If not, then more drastic measures need to be taken.
Warhog - Strong start, on par with the Humble mech (perhaps even stronger in early levels). Both main and secondary weapons are still useful for the endgame. Not sure if it's a little OP due to the massive burst and damage reduction.
Possibly, although I don't mind a mech being a little OP at least. It does have the disadvantage that it's a terrible resource gatherer, plus doesn't have shields, of course. So, I'm not sure at the moment.
Zephyr - Enjoyed the speedy playstyle and experimented with rushing the boss room. Agree with Logo that it's hard to tell when the boost is active. It would be nice to know the magnitude of the bonus at the selection screen.
Yeah, visuals should be improved in the next version. If I could think of a sufficiently succinct way to explain the boost, then we could probably add that. It has a mix of additive multipliers, multipliers, straight adds, though, so explaining it would be pretty tricky.
Paladin - The concept and theme are nice. I couldn't figure out how to use the main weapon properly -- the lunge attack makes kiting/evading difficult to control and Green Hunter killed me. Heh. Also, the missile launcher could use a slight cooldown increase as it's easy to inadvertently launch extra missiles when clearing blocks.
Adjusted the missile fire rate slightly, although I couldn't adjust it too much as I didn't want to lose the ability to do fast barrages with the launcher.
- How often do they appear? I had a full run without any gold floors appearing. They are quite fun! Difficulty feels about the same as regular floors and flamer turrets are beautiful.
Currently it's a 20% chance per floor apart from the 1st floor (which can't have Gold floors). That's definitely going to be upped to at least 25% as I've had a bit of feedback about the low chance of seeing the floors. Whether we up it further than that, I'm not sure, though.
- It is a little tricky to differentiate between the various floor buff/debuff pads. I never found the switch pads in the levels I played (or I just ran over them without noticing).
Yeah, those will be getting looked at, as they're not quite right at the moment.
- The puzzle boss rooms are a nice touch. Have run into two of them so far. Banshee trap + bounce laser module. Ouch.
Yeah, ouch! I'm glad to see you like those rooms.
- Tutorial explains the new mechanics pretty well.
Nice! Draco designed that. Thanks, Draco!
- Crimson death sniper rifle could use a recoil warning.
I may just be derping because I'm a bit ill at the moment, but recoil warning? Like some text in the description you mean?
- Question regarding the damage stats on items. Is that DPS or damage per shot/salvo?
- I noticed something strange with the cryofreeze, energy shield, and inferno/flame? modules. If you get hit just as the module visual effect fires, you don't take damage. Has anyone else seen this?
Hmmm, not sure. I'll keep an eye out for it, though, thanks.
- Using the tactical advisor familiar the first time killed all other sound until the next room, after which it worked normally. Unfortunately I've only seen this bot once so I can't confirm this.
Hmm, that's another one I'll keep an eye out for. If that robot is indeed causing some audio problems I might be able to make tweaks.
I'll get to any more feedback tomorrow. Thanks!