righhhht so (I'm a bit tired right now sorry in advance if I don't explain this correctly) is the warthogs missile launcher meant to use all your missiles in every shot? if so it should probably be mentioned in the description of the mech it self.
Yep, that's its special ability. It might be worth mentioning, yeah. I'll see if we can possibly fit it in.
edit just noticed the weapon descriptions in the menu....I don't remember this being there last I played was this introduced post release of the core game? or is my memory just bad?.
still think it would be sensible to mention the launchers unique property's in the selection screen though I feel it would save people some grief and it don't it would be difficult to do.
That's been there since launch, I'm pretty sure, yeah.
I'm not convinced by its combat worthiness(the launcher it self) either though I think id rather make a separate thread for that after I've put some real time in with it.
It's best for clearing rooms, and also taking down difficult threats. It's not super useful on bosses since it can only take down one phase at a time, but you can use it to skip any problem phases, or just annihilate single phase bosses.
I don't know however if there is a cap to the max damage and explosion radius.
There is a cap, but it's a huge cap that the player will practically probably never hit. I think if you build up to something like 40 max missile capacity, that's the maximum amount of missiles that can be used on one blast. Really at those levels the explosion should probably be clearing floors, heh, but I'm not sure that's a good idea, or even feasible in the engine.
The only problem I have, sometimes the missiles gets blocked by shots, explodes, takes a big amount of the bullets out but does no damage to the boss or enemies behind the bullets.
If the AOE doesn't quite hit the boss then that sounds fine. If that AOE should hit the boss but it doesn't then that might be some kind of bug.