Arcen Games

General Category => Starward Rogue => Topic started by: Cyborg on November 06, 2017, 12:01:42 am

Title: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: Cyborg on November 06, 2017, 12:01:42 am
So I beat the game for the first time today. And I was expecting to learn something about Rodney. I didn't learn anything. No voiceovers, no interludes. After I beat the Warden, it dumped me to a result screen like every other level complete screen, and it said literally one sentence about Rodney's head going in the trash or something.

Is this expected?
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: TheVampire100 on November 06, 2017, 12:15:45 am
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: Draco18s on November 06, 2017, 09:32:33 am
They threw your (severed, disembodied, space-dragon) head in the trash.
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: Pepisolo on November 06, 2017, 10:32:08 am
So I beat the game for the first time today. And I was expecting to learn something about Rodney. I didn't learn anything. No voiceovers, no interludes. After I beat the Warden, it dumped me to a result screen like every other level complete screen, and it said literally one sentence about Rodney's head going in the trash or something.

Is this expected?

Yeah, unfortunately that is expected. The story and ending of the game is pretty bad. The development schedule for the game was so short that the whole story stuff pretty much just had to be cut. I do have some idea on how to implement it, but that will be a decently sized project in itself which will also require some new assets and a bit of engine work, and since Arcen have much bigger priorities at the moment, that will have to wait for while. Hopefully we can get that overhauled some time next year.

Oh, one more note. There are actually 2 more floors in the game. After you beat the game 3 times, the next floors unlock.
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: TheVampire100 on November 06, 2017, 11:49:37 am
To be honest, I don't expect some big lore sections in any action-rogue-like, just something that "holds it together". It just seems out of touch that there is no bogger ending after the big introducing stage that was so well made.
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: Pepisolo on November 06, 2017, 02:09:12 pm
To be honest, I don't expect some big lore sections in any action-rogue-like, just something that "holds it together". It just seems out of touch that there is no bogger ending after the big introducing stage that was so well made.

Yeah, I have some ideas on that front. Hopefully we can get some more story stuff in there at some point.
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: Cyborg on November 06, 2017, 05:59:18 pm
Yeah, I wasn't expecting some great storyline. But the tagline said something about Rodney, have no idea who or what that is. And I still don't after beating this game the first time. But the game did take enough time to tell me it was throwing somebody's head in a garbage can. Okay then.

Maybe next time.
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: Pepisolo on November 06, 2017, 08:24:03 pm
Yeah, I wasn't expecting some great storyline. But the tagline said something about Rodney, have no idea who or what that is. And I still don't after beating this game the first time. But the game did take enough time to tell me it was throwing somebody's head in a garbage can. Okay then.

Maybe next time.

Yeah, the story needs a lot of work. I think actually only Chris and Jack really know exactly what's going on with Rodney. For the time being, at least.
Title: Re: [Spoilers, maybe defect]
Post by: Misery on November 07, 2017, 12:00:44 am
Yeah, I wasn't expecting some great storyline. But the tagline said something about Rodney, have no idea who or what that is. And I still don't after beating this game the first time. But the game did take enough time to tell me it was throwing somebody's head in a garbage can. Okay then.

Maybe next time.

Yeah, the story needs a lot of work. I think actually only Chris and Jack really know exactly what's going on with Rodney. For the time being, at least.

I heard the full story at one point (in emails).  It had certainly been fleshed out more than it is in the game.

That being said:  in all honesty nobody should be playing anything in this genre for the story.  Frankly most of these barely seem to even HAVE one.

Which makes sense in a game where an entire playthrough can fit in an hour or two.  Try to squash loads of story into that and you'll drive players crazy.

At this point it's unlikely that the rest of it will make it into the game at any time.  It's basically the absolute lowest priority out of everything.