I did start it, although Chris (i.e., Mr. poopiehead Sir) claimed credit for it in a recent Kickstarter post. It was always/is pretty blatantly obvious by context what it was referring to. I still think it is funny.
More seriously, I use it because everything is usually much more complicated than anyone wants to read. So rather than me spending literally hours writing out, documenting, formatting, and explaining everything, I use [redacted] to convey the general idea without requiring me to be precise about all the details. So does it mean expansion? Maybe? Kinda? Sometimes? Is it still an expansion if we release it as a patch? As a free standalone download? As something else? If hypothetically there is another secret thing that may or may not happen, do I really need to separate between something that is intended for it, maybe for it, or for something else that may latter be redirected for it, or something that is definitely not for it? A unspecified amount of content has shifted in various ways over the units of time that this has been going on. It's complicated.
Also, Chris & Co letting us work on SR is awesome. I've literally done work that made it into a published video game. That's so cool. I'll never stop thinking that is cool and being appreciative of Chris (even though he never remembers me (or Cinth/Craig)). And thus I will hopefully never stop having a sense of awe, respect, and humor about the entire situation.
PS Except for ban on health regeneration over time. That's a serious business and a heretical belief system fostered by the Oppressor Misery!