Hi there!
Glad you like the game. It's come a long way since release, and I think it's at it's best so far right now. Good time for any new players to be getting into it.
I'm gonna give some very specific responses, starting with my favorite part:
Blaze cannons on hard.
Ah, so you met THOSE guys!
My job in all of this is to make the game kill you. Er... I mean... balance the difficulty and make bullet hell stuff and.... make the game kill you, let's just go with that. Blaze Cannons might be my crowning achievement of annoying here. What you say there is basically what everyone says, sooner or later. They're the "Goddamn Flying Medusa Heads" of the game.
The current version of the game was actually supposed to contain something called an Inferno Cannon. Worse than the Blaze Cannons. The only reason it does not is.... because I forgot to put it in. Expect it probably with the next update, even if it's a minor one. Heh.
I've toyed with the idea of making a boss version of the Blaze Cannons. I have not done so. You're welcome.
Bionic Dues had this thing where enemies had very distinctive behaviors, but it didn't matter because you could kill them before they ever got in range (On the hardest difficulty to boot)
I'd be really interested, actually, to know what sorts of strategies you used to cause this to happen. Big fan of that game, myself. Does this mean you completed Misery difficulty? I didn't know if anyone would do that. Maybe more people might have.... but sadly that game just didn't sell well. I wish it had, I'd love for Arcen to be in position to make an expansion for it!
Beyond that, core gameplay is quite fun. The controls are perfectly functional, the bullet dodging is intense, the grand strategy decisions are meaningful. Bosses are difficult, interesting, and fair. This is as good of a core game as Binding of Isaac or Nuclear Throne, but with much more interesting enemies.
Wow, I think everyone involved in this would agree that this is quite the compliment here about the game overall. Definitely appreciated.
Though as an absolute fanboy of Isaac I always have trouble with the idea that any game in this genre could possibly be better than that. Easily one of my all-time favorites, that. I cant wait for it's big update later in the year.
The "bonus" things felt very RNG to me. Some of them were quite simple to do (Use no consumables) and some nigh impossible (take no hits.)
Yyyyyup. Those were a concept from really early on in development that sounded like such an amazing idea at the time, but they didn't evolve with the rest of the game as development continued and things kept changing until release. And then they haven't been touched since then. They're a mess!
At some point, they need to be changed up. Heck if I know how to do that. But I bet the others might have some ideas.
The "keep until X" buffs also feel like a strange power swing- particularly infinite missiles and PARTICULARLY if you have explododendron.
Yeah, I can agree with that. Infinite missiles may need to be toned down... somehow. Are you seeing these things too often? They're supposed to be quite rare. If they're not, that needs to be fixed.
A lot of items are really shitty.
To a pretty high degree, a lot of these are very... subjective. That skeleton key, for instance. It's one that I'll frequently pick up, when given the chance. Why? Simple: Locked chests. It means I can open *all* of them, giving me very frequent access to consumables. And consumables got pretty darned strong in this version of the game. But this is definitely dependant on someone's playstyle. Quite a number of items in the game are, really. I cant think of many items at all that seem genuinely bad to me. Except that size-increase one. Bad idea, that.
Some items that may seem bad at first though may be worth more experimentation with later on. At least I think so, anyway.
I don't know where my hitbox is.
Typically it's right in the center of your mech's head. It's very small. Though as Logorouge says, you can hit F7 to see the hitboxes of absolutely everything.
There are a few things with wonky hitboxes though, you'll figure out which those are over time.
Did you know that the debris from the blue 2x2 destructible blocks count as enemies?
Did you know that the humble mech can shoot these little rocks with missiles to get ~12 credits/missile?
Good catch there. I don't think anyone spotted that at all. That's a NASTY bug, that is. Talk about unbalanced... that needs to get fixed ASAP.
Also, I instabuy the double damage crits whenever I see it. You get a 1+2*critchance damage multiplier- multiplicative with everything else in the game. That can easily be 1.6 times damage by the end of the game- having it makes everything MUCH easier.
Huh. Maybe this one is a bit too strong? I'm not really sure... it's not one I ended up using all that much. I don't do item creation, so maybe someone else can field this one. Sounds full of math. I hate math.