Perhaps if non-movement actions caused time to advance much more slowly than movement actions, that would help. If you're doing both then you just get the normal movement time speed.
I think SUPERHOT works because time is always moving (just very very slowly) and various actions cause it to be realtime for some duration (shooting is almost instantaneous and you have to wait for reload, but throwing items, picking up items, and punching people all use realtime for about a second).
Whereas having to fight my instincts to keep shooting while using Redshift combined with "crap, how fast does that bullet travel when I move?" (e.g. "do I move up to move around it, or right?") made it very hard to utilize the timestop behavior.
Anyway, I will see about playing with it this afternoon. I doubt there will ever be a perfect happy medium where it feels as fluid, but SUPERHOT only has 3 guns and all the bullets move at the same speed. My problem
there is being able to accurately predict enemy movement so I can lead shots.