Neither of these things are huge deals (probably). But, they can be abused.
First, teleport wossnames with explosive weapons.
Using a teleporter kills all bullets in an area for a short while, effectively stopping your projectiles from doing damage. Explosive weapons, however, still go boom.
You can abuse this by swapping back and forth and firing your grenade launcher, and being close enough to the enemy that they are hit by the explosion.
However, this is extremely clunky to exploit, so it doesn't greatly affect the game.
Second, the shield drone with walls. Untested- use compact molecules?
Normally, the shield drone is slightly bigger than your mech. When you stand flush against a wall, the shield drone overlaps you. This makes you mostly invincible while the drone is in the portion of it's orbit facing the wall. I need to test more to see how reliable this is, and I really need to test what happens when compact molecules join the party.
This one might be incredibly broken, but I've not played with it enough to say.