Yeah, it's the third phase that is so damn hard. But it's easier with defensive items.
The Backfire exploit has been fixed so you won't find it ingame anymore, I was probably the last one to enjoy it. Backfire summons units that you could destroy for 800xp each. Instead of paying attention to the boss, you could just farm those little guys and boost your level.
thank god for that I hated being forced to artificially level my self like that.
Yeah, on a scale from 1 to oops, that glitch definitely rated an "ARGH". I cant believe I left that one in there. Just... it was so obvious.... ugh.
I *think* that the Backfire boss is done breaking things now though. I think. Or ignoring it's own first phase, it was doing that sometimes too.
Why is the third phase killing everyone though? It's the least aggressive of all of his attacks.
I'll give a hint on that one, it's a trick pattern. Yes that's the entire hint. I didn't say I wouldnt be unpleasant about it and laugh in the background....
Of course my real question is how many people have reached/fought Terminus. I havent heard of many taking that guy down.