There are a few room designs where the player and the enemy ships can never reach one another. Most of the time, this isn't a major issue, but there are a couple of rooms that make me frown because it feels unfair. Unfair? Yes, sometimes they drop minor loot. Sometimes they drop minor loot I really, really need!
My first screenshot is of a miniboss room, and it dropped some kind of serious loot. And I couldn't reach that loot. Cue serious dismay!
My second screenshot is of a room where a mini shuttle (or something like that) had spawned in one of the unreachable spots. This was very silly, as that particular enemy cannot shoot, so I eliminated him at leisure. In this case, I don't feel it's particularly unfair that I cannot reach the loot dropped by the shuttle as the shuttle was absolutely no threat at all. Perhaps only enemies that can shoot out of these spots should spawn in them. Is that possible to design? If one of the other enemies had dropped something useful, I'd probably have felt a little dismayed.
My third screenshot is of a room where I felt that the enemy that spawned was a touch unfair. Given the tiny amount of space to maneuver, that was pretty nasty!