Author Topic: Aumented Achievement Suggestions?  (Read 22120 times)

Offline Draco18s

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Aumented Achievement Suggestions?
« on: January 24, 2018, 08:49:35 pm »
- Warhog + Large and in charge is huge! (and slow). Might be amusing to have an achievement for this :)

Seriously, if there's anything that stands out as particularly achieve-worthy, I will see if I they can be coded. Which I can do now that I've finally set up my desktop (SVN access, goooo!)

The ones that were added were the "this takes 2 lines of code" because they were effectively templeted by Keith back in the beginning, and were thrown in fairly last minute. None of us know the code base that well, but when they were brought up, I took a look and saw that I could do the "kill final boss" and "perfect kill a boss" ones with virtually no effort and made up ones for each of the new mechs (including the freely added base game mechs, like the Humble mech, added a few months back). But anything more complicated I didn't look into doing due to time and complexity constraints, as well as "but... what would be interesting?"

But I would not object to adding a few more particularly interesting ones, though no guarantees. Especially due to the fact that they need an art pass as well, which isn't free (although I imagine the cost isn't terribly expensive, but definitely non-zero).

I expect classy names to go with them, to boot!