Personally I wouldn't put up any screenshots where you hit enemies and they have the red color change on them. Especially the ones with the big ball boss ( I forgot his name again).
Good point, cheers!
Another suggestion that occurs to me while looking at these: The best screenshots are the ones with a decent mix of floor/wall and "window" tiles as the background. Any room that's JUST basic floor and wall tiles without any of the window tiles (I cant remember what they're called, they're windows in the side of the Megalith) tends to look a bit bland in some ways when seen as a screenshot. So, avoid those, unless there's a good amount of other colorful stuff and complications happening in there.
In fact... now that I think of it, it may actually be worth going through some of the new room files, and adding some window tiles to those that don't really have any. It seriously improves the look of the game as a whole.
Although at the same time you have to be a bit careful when adding windows due to the visibility problems that can sometimes arise, of course. Generally, I think that keeping to no more than 50% windows coverage per room seems to work, although that rule can be broken in non-combat rooms, or areas of a room where combat is restricted. Most of the rooms should have some windows in, although there are a couple that I decided to go with no windows in. Those rooms where inspired a little by Gauntlet, so I thought I'd keep those basic.
Screenshot_2017_12_06_21_15_09.png Lacking the window tiles, but there's so much other lunacy going on here, with the wall shots and the player's crazy-looking weapon.
Yep, there's a lot of craziness there.
Screenshot_2017_12_06_19_51_36.png Good mix of tile types, and the open nature of the room means that it's filled with stuff happening.
Bit of a bulletstorm that one, yeah.
Screenshot_2017_12_06_20_01_35.png Sniper room, I like this.
More chaos, there's even a Golden Blaze Cannon snuck in there.
Screenshot_2017_12_06_20_47_57.png A lot of effects and good contrast happening here, and a new special effect on display.
Yeah, the only thing that slightly bugs me about that shot is that the Wave Blaster seems to be firing at someone off screen -- on the other hand, that might make the shot more interesting since it's a bit of a curious behaviour.
Oh, if anyone wants to help grab screenies, here's an interesting technique, just set the screenshot button to the walk button, and then just play. If you then use the walk button when things are getting hectic you will automatically be harvesting screenshots as you play, then maybe sift through them at a later date to find the better ones.