General Category > Starward Rogue

A couple of questions that might help here

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I'm not referring to graphics quality, just the gameplay.  These look (as in seem similar in play) to the NES games I listed.  If I sat down and thought hard enough, I could probably pull some Atari analogs and add to that list (and a couple old arcades)

I actually couldn't get into Binding of Isaac. I lost the thread of why I was playing it after a few hours. If I remember right, I was turned off by a system that was high on repetition and luck of the weapon draw, and there wasn't a point beyond that. I remember the turn-based variants (ToME, Dungeons of Dredmore, Bionic Dues) more fondly and played them a bit longer because they had more variety. Bionic Dues in particular for the game systems. ToME because I still haven't seen its entire story arc yet, even if it's a rather bland thing moment by moment.

But for a rogue-like, twin-stick shooter akin to what you're working on, I'd have to go with Ultratron as the thing I'd actually play again. Now let me go play it again so I could tell you why. :p

Captain Jack:

--- Quote from: Cinth on October 16, 2015, 03:00:57 pm ---I'm not referring to graphics quality, just the gameplay.  These look (as in seem similar in play) to the NES games I listed.  If I sat down and thought hard enough, I could probably pull some Atari analogs and add to that list (and a couple old arcades)

--- End quote ---
I thought I'd answered this as well? They play similarly because they're built on the same gameplay principles as those NES games. It's intentional, they want to put their own spin on the genre rather than come up with their own entirely.

So Ultratron because it's twin-stick candy. You get to pick your upgrades between levels, and otherwise frenetic fun.  I think the crux is it provides more variety and flavor in quicker, shorter doses than most. Downside is I get the feeling that part of the difficulty of the game is trying to see what is actually going on half the time. Visual clarity wasn't particularly a thing for this game.

I'll go into somewhat about the games you listed and which I liked/didn't like.

Of the ones you listed, I really love Binding of Isaac and Spelunky.

Some of the keys that I like in Spelunky were:
1. Item management in that game is fun.
2.  Enemies tended to have very predictable and honestly easy enough to dodge patterns - the difficulty comes in from combinations and careless or greed on your part.
3. The runs tended to be fairly quick.
4.  Decent variety of special items. And there was the occasion rare room with strange spawns/conditions in it that really varied things up.
5. It had really fun. Intense bursts but then you could go at your own slower pace until the next especially difficult obstacle.

Binding of Isaac I really enjoyed because of a combination of the deep and interesting item combinations, the item/health/risk/reward management that could be offered (do I fight the boss or keep search. So I make a devil deal, etc). And the fact that most of the enemy patterns are easy enough to recognize while still being varied.

I really liked Valley 2, and I think the class system and upgrade customization was a large part of it. I also really liked that a game pad could be used and that some of the attacks were built around the contra style of control (that was my biggest dislike in valley 1. Mouse + keyboard felt like the only way to play). Whereas valley 2 really felt made for it and the classes had a very nice variety that complimented it with different play/control styles

I haven't played our darker purpose or many of the other games on your list. I have played rogue legacy and after the initial excitement of the game faded. I honestly didn't find it enjoyable. The grinding for gold was awful (if you didn't have enough gold to upgrade something it felt like a waste of a run). The RNG of stats, especially considering how bad the bad effects could be was not fun after the first few times you saw it. Your basic attack never changed, so the play style never really felt varied. And something about the feel of combat just never clicked for me.

One game I'll mention as one I love, but probably outside the scope is Nation Red. It's not a rogue like or anything just a regular twin stick shooter. What it does very well is that it has 1.  A cool upgrade system with lots of interesting perks that you can pick between semi-randomly (when you level you get a list of 7 or so and can pick one of them) 2. it has lots of interesting weapons to pick between - offering varied play styles 3. It has tons of temporary power ups which can be really fun. It's even possible to spend your level upgrades to make these temp power ups better. It's incredibly satisfying and fun to get that temp power up right when you need it, however most games seem to lack them these days.

Anyways. I hope some of this has helped! Written on my phone so sorry if it wasn't the best organized or full of typos.


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