Author Topic: Wow, this is awesome  (Read 1621 times)

Offline dfinlay

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Wow, this is awesome
« on: January 27, 2016, 09:59:53 pm »
I was one of the early beta testers (around October) and although the game appeared to have some potential at that point, it was pretty hard to see due to clunkiness. Then, my computer broke and I was down a computer for a month and a half. When I got mine back, it was exam period and then Christmas season, where I flew home to my family - in short, I had no time to test since October. I just noticed the game came out and I tried it again and was blown away at how much the game has improved. This is one of two action-roguelites I can think of that I've played and not found anything seriously wrong with (I like the genre, but they all seem to be pretty broken - Isaac's imbalance, Spelunky's second half, RL's grinding and FTL's final boss, for example).  While there are a few minor issues (I'll post them on Mantis when I get the chance), there is nothing that is seriously impacting my enjoyment of the game. I realize that may not sound like high praise but I mean it that way. In particular, I want to commend Misery and anyone else who worked on bullet patterns - they're fun, distinctive and require different tactics for different enemies. I look forward to dying repeatedly to Misery difficulty once it's finished. Oh, the soundtrack's kickass, as well. Good job, everyone.

P.S. Before you ask, yes, I'll post a recommendation on Steam.


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