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Questions for other enemy designers

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I'm working on a small set of additional enemies.

1) Are there plenty of enemy graphics waiting for entities, so I can submit ones with just placeholder graphics?

2) Can I make a normal enemy stop only when it's firing? None of the existing enemies do this.


--- Quote from: zharmad on January 14, 2016, 08:52:41 am ---I'm working on a small set of additional enemies.

1) Are there plenty of enemy graphics waiting for entities, so I can submit ones with just placeholder graphics?

2) Can I make a normal enemy stop only when it's firing? None of the existing enemies do this.

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Yes, there's *alot* of graphics available.  I'll probably assign them myself (Chris is hyper-busy right now) after I've had a look at them.  So just use art that's already there, that's fine.

As for enemy movement, it's nearly uncontrollable right now.  It's all run by pre-set AI, so one way or another, you have to just deal with what's there. Yeah, I know, it's kinda annoying. A better way to do this may be coming later, but not in time for release.  The closest you can come right now is with the attacker behavior, but that sets them to stop moving based on distance, not attacking, and they'll begin movement again the moment the player moves further away.

Whenever you've got some that are ready, go ahead and just send them to me.  I'd rather Chris and the others not have to use up their time on something I can easily handle myself.  I may make small tweaks to the things before fully uploading them.


--- Quote --- 2) Can I make a normal enemy stop only when it's firing? None of the existing enemies do this.
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You actually can do this in the current engine. What you need is a OnUse modifier. Something like this:

<modifier target="OnUse_ParentEntity" type="MovementSpeed" math="set" magnitude="0" duration="1"/>

If you put this on a system to trigger OnUse, the parent entity will have its movement set to 0. Then just specify a duration.


--- Quote from: Pepisolo on January 14, 2016, 06:23:04 pm ---
--- Quote --- 2) Can I make a normal enemy stop only when it's firing? None of the existing enemies do this.
--- End quote ---

You actually can do this in the current engine. What you need is a OnUse modifier. Something like this:

<modifier target="OnUse_ParentEntity" type="MovementSpeed" math="set" magnitude="0" duration="1"/>

If you put this on a system to trigger OnUse, the parent entity will have its movement set to 0. Then just specify a duration.

--- End quote ---

I swear, that XML documentation is a freaking labyrinth.

This has been in there the entire time and I never noticed?  Ugh.

I mean, not that it's surprising that I didn't notice something, but still, it's a maze in there.


--- Quote from: Misery on January 14, 2016, 06:36:45 pm ---I swear, that XML documentation is a freaking labyrinth.

This has been in there the entire time and I never noticed?  Ugh.

I mean, not that it's surprising that I didn't notice something, but still, it's a maze in there.
--- End quote ---

Yeah, there's some interesting stuff in there. A lot of time I learn stuff just by copying what others have done, heh. Just learnt about the attach system to shots thing, by looking at your testthing stuff, for example. Lots of untapped potential in the engine. Some movement stuff was added recently, but I haven't had the chance to test it, yet.

From Keith:

"*movement_driving_pattern (bullet_pattern)
**when this mode starts, the entity switches to using the first bullet node of this pattern as its driving movement pattern; you probably don't want a "die" node, and you may want to put it in a loop with -1 (infinite) iterations
**when this mode ends, if that pattern is still the driving movement pattern it will be cleared
**this allows fairly precise control of the entity's rotation and movement"


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