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Problematic Familiars


So I have this guy.  This guy spawns familiars from 2 separate systems.  Familiars from both systems have the <is_familiar_that_dies_when_parent_dies="true"> flag on them.  Familiar set one are orbitals. Familiar set 2 are cardinal movers.

Familiar set one died when my guy dies. Familiar set 2 does not.

Anyone have any ideas as to why this would be?


--- Quote from: Cinth on February 06, 2016, 01:06:08 am ---So I have this guy.  This guy spawns familiars from 2 separate systems.  Familiars from both systems have the <is_familiar_that_dies_when_parent_dies="true"> flag on them.  Familiar set one are orbitals. Familiar set 2 are cardinal movers.

Familiar set one died when my guy dies. Familiar set 2 does not.

Anyone have any ideas as to why this would be?

--- End quote ---

Let's see the spawn system code?

I tried to use  <is_familiar_that_dies_when_parent_dies="true"> when I made the Invader minions but never got it to work. It may be the case that a parent entity is not defined unless you ue the orbital type?

You should also be able to create the same effect by making a suicide system that is spread to all of the familiar entities on master death.

I used the Abmoog that spawns the rams for the system (modified for what I need).

I suspect that the familiar_parent tags aren't being held onto with NormalShipBehavior sets.  If that's the case, it's broken.

@Keith: Should you read this, what would you need to check this?


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