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Logo's Roomatorium

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--- Quote from: Pepisolo on October 25, 2017, 06:09:33 pm ---Oh, yeah, I recall that Draco invented that style of travelporter room, heh. Neat little trick that.

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Yep :D

Here's my 2nd batch of rooms:

New rooms:

There's a few weird ones in there this time around, so let me know if that style of room is satisfactory. Also, I'm worried about the performance of FieldOfFlowers with an Helicoid. If you have an older PC, I would appreciate if you could test how it performs on your system. And finally, Teleportitis is a non-combat room so to check it out in the test room I recommend adding a popcorn enemy in a wall or something, otherwise you'll win several times per second without being able to test anything. Anyway, have fun.

Edit: Also removed this download link since the rooms are part of the game anyway.


--- Quote ---FatVertical/X1_Logo_SphereMonger
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Yeah, this is one of those rooms where it works perfectly for certain enemies like the Eyelet, but due to the limited control we have over enemies, if somebody were to make a batch of new enemies in that category then the design could break down. That's been one of the frustrations with the game so far, sometimes it's hard to control the room design due to the randomness of the enemies. It would be a lot nicer if we had a bit more control over the enemy seeding -- that's not your problem, though, it's just a part of the game. With the current enemy set, which seems to be just Eyelets, this room seems great to me.

--- Quote ---StandardNS/X1_Logo_FieldOfFlowers
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Looks good to me. A bit trickier than you first think as you have to be quite careful with your movements, and also be careful not to aggro too many comets. The other Fearsome's work as well. The performance is mainly down to the sludge turrets which might need further tweaks. I've tweaked them for performance once, but they might need to be looked at again, we'll see.

--- Quote ---StandardEW/X1_Logo_ZDungeon1
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Seems fine to me. I'm not sure of the purpose of the central room, though. It seems like you might be able to hide in there, but usually you can't due to us often having to give enemies a small wall collision box so that they don't get stuck while pathfinding. You can hide from the Metal Mill's I think, though, so that's good.

--- Quote ---SmallEW/X1_Logo_IntoTheFray
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Seems good to me. There aren't many rooms like this that allow you to take a good look at what you're teleporting into first, so that works for me.

--- Quote ---TunnelTall/X1_Logo_AgeOfWanders
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Pretty simple, but I like this one a lot. I think it's the prettiness of the tiling that does it.

--- Quote ---QuadNN/X1_Logo_ReleaseTheHounds
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Bit of a scary one this, but very cool.

--- Quote ---QuadNNWW/X1_Logo_Teleportitis
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Seems good. Definitely named correctly. :) I'm not the biggest fan of the teleporty puzzle rooms, but that's because I'm not really one for puzzles as much, but I do like having them pop up from time to time in the game as it mixes the gameplay up a bit. This certainly seems like a good one.

--- Quote ---FatHorizontal/X1_Logo_ZDungeon2
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--- Quote ---RobotShop/X1_Logo_LockedCabinet
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Interesting idea, I'd never thought of that! That's some Draco style thinking, heh. Works for me!

--- Quote ---ConsumablesShop/Logo_WindowShopper
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Nice looking room. Good stuff.

Fantastic batch of rooms thanks! The only one I wasn't 100% on was ZDungeon1 but even that seemed good to me. All the rest seemed great. Thanks for the contribution! :)


--- Quote from: Pepisolo on November 05, 2017, 02:56:14 pm ---
--- Quote ---StandardEW/X1_Logo_ZDungeon1
--- End quote ---

Seems fine to me. I'm not sure of the purpose of the central room, though. It seems like you might be able to hide in there, but usually you can't due to us often having to give enemies a small wall collision box so that they don't get stuck while pathfinding. You can hide from the Metal Mill's I think, though, so that's good.

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Oups, I didn't realize it might not show up while in a test room, but the central room has a warp pad in it.

--- Quote from: Pepisolo on November 05, 2017, 02:56:14 pm ---
--- Quote ---QuadNNWW/X1_Logo_Teleportitis
--- End quote ---

Seems good. Definitely named correctly. :) I'm not the biggest fan of the teleporty puzzle rooms, but that's because I'm not really one for puzzles as much, but I do like having them pop up from time to time in the game as it mixes the gameplay up a bit. This certainly seems like a good one.

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I'm actually not a fan of teleporters puzzles myself, that's why there's no victory switch to seek out, so if I don't feel like messing around I can just skip it entirely. :)

--- Quote from: Pepisolo on November 05, 2017, 02:56:14 pm ---Fantastic batch of rooms thanks! The only one I wasn't 100% on was ZDungeon1 but even that seemed good to me. All the rest seemed great. Thanks for the contribution! :)

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I'm happy to help where I can.


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