Okay, so, right now, the player's basic movement is an important topic and one of the things that's in focus here. Alot of back and forth on this subject, and it's difficult to come to a conclusion on just how this should be done. I'm talking about the "feel" of the player ship's movement here, when in the "momentum" mode. The "shmup" control mode is fine and is a seperate beast.
But yeah, it's definitely an issue at the moment, and in an effort to make decisions on this easier for Chris and everyone (once there's time for them to really look at it), I figured it might be a good idea to collect some feedback from you guys, as that could really help out alot.
So here's my 4 questions as they are:
1. What do you think of the current feel of the game, when played with whatever ship it is you use most? Is it good? Is it too slippery, or too stiff?
2. Which ships do you find yourself using alot, and which ones do you not like? And why?
3. Do you find the Afterburner useful? Is it easy to control, or are you not finding that to be the case?
4. How do you think it is when in the context of the actual combat? This means both bullet patterns and also navigation within rooms? Do you find that you're taking alot of hits BECAUSE of the controls? Or does it seem right to you, for dodging and accurate movement?
There we go, I think that covers it nicely. Really, any info you can give here will help, for when it's time to go over this. I'm just doing this in advance to make it easier. Theoretically.
And if you have any additional feedback beyond those questions there, leave that too! Whatever you think might help.