Hey guys
Just gonna be putting my thoughts up here bit by bit rather than play for a day and do an epic write-up.
Bug: Laser aimable with the right stick while menu is up.
Potential bug: Gamepad zoom mode analog click does nothing. Edit: After reading the explanation properly I realized that you are supposed to hold down left analog click and then use the right stick to zoom in or out.
Chris' questions.
1) How does it feel flying around? Speed with and without afterburner?
Still playing around with it, but initial thoughts are pretty average. I haven't found the need to use afterburner yet, and when I do it doesn't feel very satisfying or useful. I'd like to test a version of the movement with a bit more physics and thrust.
2. How does the shot speed and firing rate to you feel in terms of satisfaction?
On the default ship it seems ok, but I need to find more special weapons to try out. The range of different ships that you can pick are incredibly boring. It seems like you've got some with normal shot speed and some with low shot speed, and the low shot speed ships are way less satisfying. I barely notice the movement differences. The only interesting change between the ships is that some have shields and some don't. I'd much rather 3 different types of ship with significant differences than 7 with slightly tweaked variables. For example, a ship with rebounding lasers, a ship with ice shots that cause slowdown, or a ship with circling multiples etc.
3. How does it feel to you in terms of how quickly enemies die, how many enemies are in each room, and so on?...
Still testing, but seems a bit chaotic at the moment. I've had some problems telling whether I'm actually hitting an enemy or not. I think this actually might be a bug though. If an enemy is stuck and immobile then they don't flash when hit. I need to put more thought into this aspect before commenting further.
5. Any comments about enemies you hate or love, items the same thing, rooms the same thing.
There's only one boss so far that I've thought......hmmm pretty cool! The boss shoots waves covering the top half of the screen and then the bottom half of the screen alternately and you have to snake up and down in order to get closer. If there was a bigger reward for getting closer (perhaps greater damage dealt) then this boss would be a lot cooler. The enemies that leave trails are pretty good, very Binding of Isaac. Also, one of the enemy types that leave sort of tendrils that grow out look nice (yes...next time I'll try and screencap these enemies so you know what I'm talking about more clearly).