General Category > Starward Rogue Alpha Discussion

Feedback about Shield


Currently the shield of the paladin is a togglable secondary weapon. I don't think this is intuitive. Using gamepad, I think it would feel more natural if holding secondary key makes it active, and not holding it makes it inactive. Each keypress may cost 5 or so, I am not suggesting this for balance purposes.

What you guys think?

I'm mostly neutral on the subject. I think both methods have their advantages. The combat shield certainly proved very useful since the beginning. The toggle shield does allow me to activate it and then focus entirely on maneuvering and carefully distributing the payload of my other weapons/tools. It's a nice change of pace from the usual equipment. (I was starting to wonder why the game even mentioned toggleable items.)

Okay, for the latest version of the Paladin the shield has been switched to on press rather than being a toggle, so thanks for that feedback Tombik. Although it is still something we need to monitor, I think. I'm still in two minds on this myself. A bit more feedback on this when AuGMENTED launches should prove useful.


--- Quote from: Pepisolo on January 19, 2018, 10:25:31 am ---Okay, for the latest version of the Paladin the shield has been switched to on press rather than being a toggle, so thanks for that feedback Tombik. Although it is still something we need to monitor, I think. I'm still in two minds on this myself. A bit more feedback on this when AuGMENTED launches should prove useful.

--- End quote ---

I will try it out and let you know.


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