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Expansion integration

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--- Quote ---Other games have it that way, that you can simply check a box "Do you want to play with expansion content".
Simply having this option generates golden floors or it won't (depening on what you selected).
Sounds cheap and it is, but sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.
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Yeah, we might as well have that option, if it's needed.

--- Quote ----Content gating: This one could be very bad, if it was absolute with 100% of content locked. But if you start with all the new mechs, new sac items, some new consumables, etc, injected into the game from the get-go and have the rest quickly unlock as you explore the game (with most if not all of it unlocking after a single full run), I don't think it would be much of an issue anymore. Plus, to prevent anyone from being locked out of the new content, there's the difficulty levels and, if nothing else works or the player just can't wait to see it all, there's the "Play with everything unlocked" option. (By the way, why does that option disable achievements/stats? Seems weird since it's not easier to win with.)
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I don't think we're going to be doing much in terms of unlockables. For one, we just don't have a satisfying "you've unlocked this!" pop up message, and engine coding has to be kept to an absolute minimum. I think the unlocking all the Gold Floor stuff on beating Terminus sounds good, but I don't know if that's an acceptable way to gate the DLC. Maybe those who buy the DLC would just prefer to have it all thrown in from the get-go.

--- Quote ----Optional golden floors: That's a tough one due to the passive nature of the golden floors generation. What if you wanna do as many golden floors as possible but not necessarily fight the final golden boss? I'm wondering... how much trouble would it be to switch to a more active method for golden floors? Instead of generating a golden floor X% of the time, what if killing the boss spawned a golden gate X% of the time alongside the floor's exit, with the % improvable through collecting the golden tickets you mentioned. That would allow the player to smoothly choose between the regular floors or the more challenging golden ones during the actual run. Using that method, golden floors could be available from the start (rarely) without any risk of crushing newbies and the golden tickets could start showing up after you defeat Terminus for the first time to increase the rate of frequency of golden floors. Alright, alright. I'll stop gushing about a solution that might be impossible with the current engine or might be hated by everyone else and let the discussion go on a bit. :)
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Some kind of choice would be nice. Perhaps all floors generate with a locked Golden door in addition to the regular door, and you can choose between them. On the other hand that sounds like too much engine work, unfortunately. It's a bit of a shame we haven't worked this out, yet, heh. All ideas welcomed! :)

--- Quote ---Wait, are we even going to HAVE locked content in here?  I mean, the base game really didn't have any.  No, the 7-floor bit really doesn't count, you just pop the Warden a whole 3 times and you've basically gotten everything opened.

It seems a bit odd to me to have anything locked here when we didn't before.
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Probably not. I would say that only if it is a similar style unlock to the 7-Floor unlock, that might work (on defeating Terminus or something), but as far as locking pieces of content and stuff, we're probably not going to be doing that.

--- Quote ---Anyway, this brings up a point:  Are the golden floors appearing too often?  I'd been wondering about that.
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Yeah, I don't think the player will be seeing those floors as often as they are in the current build. That's easy to tweak, probably, but for testing it's probably better that we have a higher frequency, at least until the beta testing starts.


--- Quote from: TheVampire100 on September 04, 2017, 08:31:23 pm ---Other games have it that way, that you can simply check a box "Do you want to play with expansion content".
Simply having this option generates golden floors or it won't (depening on what you selected).
Sounds cheap and it is, but sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

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This is all I think it should be.


--- Quote from: x4000 on September 05, 2017, 02:23:50 pm ---
--- Quote from: TheVampire100 on September 04, 2017, 08:31:23 pm ---Other games have it that way, that you can simply check a box "Do you want to play with expansion content".
Simply having this option generates golden floors or it won't (depening on what you selected).
Sounds cheap and it is, but sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

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This is all I think it should be.

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So, pretty much like things currently are, but perhaps with tweaks to the gold floor generation frequency. Seems... suspiciously simple, heh. If the Gold Floor generation is completely random, though, then it does become a case of getting to a certain floor and then just having your fingers crossed that you get the Gold one for that floor, in order to see all the new bosses, for example.  I'm not sure if that's a problem or not.


--- Quote from: Pepisolo on September 05, 2017, 04:44:48 pm ---So, pretty much like things currently are, but perhaps with tweaks to the gold floor generation frequency. Seems... suspiciously simple, heh. If the Gold Floor generation is completely random, though, then it does become a case of getting to a certain floor and then just having your fingers crossed that you get the Gold one for that floor, in order to see all the new bosses, for example.  I'm not sure if that's a problem or not.

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Well, thanks to insomnia I had some extra time to think about this.

I'm thinking your golden ticket idea could be the elegant method for players to actively seek out golden floors (or not). The floors could show up occasionally without them, or most of the time if you explore to grab as many tickets as you can. To put some numbers on it, if the base chance is around 25-30% golden floors would generate about twice per run, which shouldn't be too brutal for newbies. Add to that tickets (or whatever golden thing) that increase those chances by 10% each, up to 100% until you visit a golden floor. Then it's back to base chance and the easter egg hunt for tickets begins anew, encouraging exploration at the same time. After that, it's just a matter of deciding if you want tickets to spawn before or only after you defeat Terminus.


--- Quote ---I'm thinking your golden ticket idea could be the elegant method for players to actively seek out golden floors (or not). The floors could show up occasionally without them, or most of the time if you explore to grab as many tickets as you can. To put some numbers on it, if the base chance is around 25-30% golden floors would generate about twice per run, which shouldn't be too brutal for newbies. Add to that tickets (or whatever golden thing) that increase those chances by 10% each, up to 100% until you visit a golden floor. Then it's back to base chance and the easter egg hunt for tickets begins anew, encouraging exploration at the same time. After that, it's just a matter of deciding if you want tickets to spawn before or only after you defeat Terminus.
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Yeah, it sounds like something like that could work...I think! :)


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