General Category > Starward Rogue Alpha Discussion

Expansion integration

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That reminds me, how about a smiliar item to alternate Deality but instead of changing the shops, it changes your floor to a golden one. Name could be "Augmented realitiy" or smething like that.


--- Quote from: TheVampire100 on September 06, 2017, 02:12:40 pm ---That reminds me, how about a smiliar item to alternate Deality but instead of changing the shops, it changes your floor to a golden one. Name could be "Augmented realitiy" or smething like that.

--- End quote ---

Sounds good. We might do that, but I think it'll have to regenerate the current floor afresh rather than being able to change the current floor to gold. That type of code is already mostly in the engine, we just need a way to specify a Gold Floor on generation.

I think one other parameter to include related to golden floor generations is Flawless Boss Clears.

Each run without golden floor: +%5 chance of golden floors.

Each run with victory: +%5 chance of golden floors.

Each flawless victory boss: +%1 chance for the first two bosses, +%2 for the remainder.

I would cap this rate at %75 though, since forcing the game with a golden floor run for 1 out of 5 game makes things actually less random than it is.

That's a very good idea. I find it rather disturbing that flawless boss victories give no reward besides a one-time-only achievment.

Some kind of adjustments to the Gold Floor generation rate should be good if possible. Higher chance if you get perfects on bosses sounds good. Maybe also higher chance on clearing a floor without taking damage. We can kind of borrow some of the achievement conditions for this.


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