Arcen Games

General Category => Starward Rogue => Starward Rogue Alpha Discussion => Topic started by: Solar Marine on February 09, 2016, 01:57:20 am

Title: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Solar Marine on February 09, 2016, 01:57:20 am
Hello there! I am new to the forum and am basically posting just to report this bug, but here we go:

(Sorry for forgetting some of the item names!)
I was playing as Redshift. On second floor I found the item that disables shields until next floor, but grants one shield point. Then I leveled up the minemaster (minesquisher?) perk.
On floor three, I picked up missile man (infinite rockets until hit) . As soon as I stepped on one of the mines, my shields were disabled and the missile man perk was gone. 
Just to double check, I stepped on more identical mines and they did no damage to me.

I think that is pretty much it. I also used the time machine item to regenerate floor 3 once.
EDIT: upon further investigation, it seems like minemaster simply does not block damage for shields at all, at least for Green Envy.
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Misery on February 09, 2016, 02:47:31 am
Yeah, pretty sure Minemaster only stops hull damage.  Which always seemed a little unintuitive to me.
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Cinth on February 11, 2016, 03:20:30 am
Yeah, pretty sure Minemaster only stops hull damage.  Which always seemed a little unintuitive to me.

It's in how it functions.  Mine Master doesn't stop the hit from happening at all.  It just multiplies the damage by 0.
Shields take hits and cancel them.  You still take the hit (and gets canceled by the shields).  Thus shield damage.
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Timerlane on February 11, 2016, 04:07:13 am
I gather that's similar to how the Shield Tech powerup works. In order to disable the shields for the rest of the floor, it looks like you automatically take a 'hit' every time you enter a room, but presumably one that has a 0 damage multiplier to hulls, so even the Redshift(or any mech with no shields by powerup-based reduction) takes no actual damage.
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Cinth on February 11, 2016, 05:09:12 am
I gather that's similar to how the Shield Tech powerup works. In order to disable the shields for the rest of the floor, it looks like you automatically take a 'hit' every time you enter a room, but presumably one that has a 0 damage multiplier to hulls, so even the Redshift(or any mech with no shields by powerup-based reduction) takes no actual damage.

I don't know how it's wired under the hood so to speak.  It's likely the probation is tied to the hit because hits generate damage (it's also a marked event that can be tracked).  There might be something in the XML that lets me fix this, otherwise it's something that needs different wiring and that could take some time.
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: ptarth on February 11, 2016, 06:32:40 am
I haven't worked much with the Modifier and Effect systems, but it seems you could apply the CopyModifiers fix that was made to the RiskyAssasin to set MaxShields in the same way. Or if I'm looking at the right, perhaps just change the NoShields system to set MaxShields to 0?
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Hearteater on February 11, 2016, 02:41:55 pm
The Minemaster wording should be changed from: "Immune to explosive damage." to "Immune to explosive hull damage." It's one thing when something leaves out stuff for you to find (Risky Assassin), another when its wording is straight out wrong from the player's perspective.
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Cinth on February 11, 2016, 08:35:22 pm
I haven't worked much with the Modifier and Effect systems, but it seems you could apply the CopyModifiers fix that was made to the RiskyAssasin to set MaxShields in the same way. Or if I'm looking at the right, perhaps just change the NoShields system to set MaxShields to 0?

Copy mods wasn't what I used to fix RA the last time, that was already there.  If you set MaxShield = 0 then you basically disabled them until you pick up a +1 shield.  It's what RA did before I fixed that.

I'll take a look at it and see if I can come up with a reasonable fix (if I can). 
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: ptarth on February 11, 2016, 08:47:36 pm
What happens if you set max shields to a negative number?
Title: Re: [Bug] Missile man gets disabled when it should not be
Post by: Cinth on February 11, 2016, 08:58:09 pm
II don't know.  I am trying to fix things, not break more in these cases.  I would assume it defaults to 0 though.