Author Topic: Signup thread for beta wave of September 24th. Redshirts V2!  (Read 34109 times)

Offline x4000

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Edit September 24th: The thread was formerly known as "Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!"  Ha.  Yeah... right.  Things didn't go as planned, eh?

The shirt system, in a TLDR format:

1. People sign up "to be in the beta" in general.  Right now we have had 167 people sign up overall, and as of the "blackshirt" wave, we have 94 of them in the game.

2. We are adding people to the game in waves every 2ish weeks, although it may stretch to 3 in some cases.  Nobody is allocated to any specific wave at this point.

3. We do it in waves in order to balance out tester fatigue, have a constant stream of new faces, and also because as the game evolves we can only get your first impression once.  So hence we have a backlog of players signed up for the beta, but they are not yet actually added to the game.

4. Signup threads like this are for if you wish to specifically say you want to be in this next wave.  I'll make every effort to accommodate you, and I'll also pull from folks who don't sign up here depending on how things are looking at the time I do the next wave.

5. TLDR: If you are wondering "when will I be sent a copy of the beta," the answer at this point is: after you either sign up for a particular wave, or I happen to choose you for a wave based on my semi-random, semi-sensible way of picking folks (I like new folks and Arcen veterans in each wave, etc).

6. Final note: If you're wondering "am I still on the list" or "will I ever be added to a wave," the answer is definitely YES! :D  But if you're worried and want to check, I won't be offended.

If for some reason you have specific scheduling constraints and you need to be in this week (or sooner even) if you're to take part, then just let me know (you can PM me to make sure I don't miss it) and I'll get you in sooner.  I'd rather have folks like that outside of a normal wave than miss their input all together.

Thanks everybody!
« Last Edit: September 24, 2015, 03:22:19 pm by x4000 »
Have ideas or bug reports for one of our games?  Mantis for Suggestions and Bug Reports. Thanks for helping to make our games better!

Offline Traveller

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2015, 02:43:38 pm »
Somehow, playing nearly every other Arcen game, I never actually looked into this one and it's exactly the genre I'm craving right now.  I'd love to be in the beta and I'm looking forward to the release :)

Offline Tomasdk

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2015, 12:56:52 pm »
I like the color green, I'd like to be in this next wave if possible. I even have a green shirt on me right now. :D

Offline ElektroSMF

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2015, 01:53:07 pm »
Still a spot (/shirt) left for me so I can join in?

Offline Nubbify

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2015, 03:59:47 pm »
I'll be unable to play from mid July to late august so I'd like to be in this wave if at all possible.

Offline Tridus

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2015, 06:46:00 pm »

Pick me, pick me! :)

Offline donlol

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2015, 05:40:33 am »
Yay, I'd love to be in this wave.

Offline darkarchon

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2015, 08:04:24 am »
I'd love to try out the game and help you bugfix things, really looking forward to this one

Offline hadberz

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2015, 05:39:26 pm »
Definitely interested, sign me up. :D

Offline Genomic

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2015, 07:44:21 am »
I'm interested!

Offline gnosis

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2015, 08:59:14 am »
Played (but not owned) AI war, AVWW 1&2, Skyward Colapse and TLF. I like your designs and your style.

Stars beyond reach looks too innovative to be true.  I came here from space sector and I enjoyed your interview too much.

Need another opinion? I'm having some spare time early July and I could give you some quick feedback, suggestions and bug reports.


Offline Firemad

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2015, 02:41:33 pm »
I want to be in :) here my resume:

-New to ARCENgames (now I found that you created other great games too that I need to look it out now heh)
-I found your game after you did an interview with
-I've played lot of turn-based games, 4X, RTS but I prefer TBS :)
-I've played Paradox games like Distant World, Universalis, CK2
-I work in Network IT field and I love to find bugs so
-I typed in google "please find me other stuff from Star Beyond Reach" and I didn't find lot of stuff yet (I know it's in beta but I'm hyped lol)
-I'm hyped and I had a boner with the screenshots... lol ;)
-I have 60+ games in Steam with different genre and I own a Xbox One

Spare time ? I'm a gamez, my time is for game only :)

Off course I want the game for yesterday but I understand the wave stuff so... I guess I'll try to find more screenshots somewhere or youtube video meanwhile hehe
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 02:46:44 pm by Firemad »

Offline hapexindustries

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2015, 07:16:42 pm »
Registered to take par tin the beta, whenever I can.  Huge supporter of Arcen Games (I have just about all your titles on Steam) and this is EXACTLY the type of game I was hoping you guys would make. 

I see others are posting resumes, so let's see

* Lots of time on AI War, I think I have all the expansions
* City building and 4Xs, specifically science fiction related ones, are one of my absolute favorite genres
* Thousands of hours on games like Alpha Centauri, Pandora, Meridian, Space Colony, and Startopia
* Love of the subject matter for my entire life, also love Arcen's sense of humor
* Absolutely loved Last Federation and Bionic Dues
* Lots of free time and a decent rig (i7, 6 gig RAM, dual GTX 470s)
* I thought Civilization: Beyond Earth was trash
* Taken part in several betas (TESO, Diablo 3, Xotic, and others I can't recall), dozens of Early Access games, and have posted bugs for a number of titles (Sunless Sea and Hand of Fate most recently)
* Proud supporter of innovative and creative independent developers and small publishers
* I would've bought this in Early Access

Hope to hear from someone soon, all I'm playing right now is Pillars of Eternity and Elite: Dangerous and I need something turnbased.

Offline Torchwood202

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2015, 12:26:36 pm »
I'll take up the next wave!

"It's a sign of aggression! OPEN FIRE!!!"

Offline Peons

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Re: Signup thread for beta wave of June 29th (most likely). Greenshirts!
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2015, 02:37:23 pm »
Posted in the other thread as well, but feel free to add me for this wave.