Author Topic: Request for crowdsourcing help: procgen market item names (huge update 4/10!).  (Read 27223 times)

Offline tbrass

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My point is that only a tiny fraction of the broadcast output of a given country is exported to any other given country, with the general exception of the US.

A distinction should be drawn between 'popular exports' and 'niche exports.' Any country with a media industry likely exports a lot of that industry to the US (for example.) To expats living here, that sort of thing. People are always willing to pay to get a taste of home.

For example, I read a fascinating piece about a year or two ago. Cabbies could call a number and listen to a rebroadcast of news from their native land. It's now available on various smartphone apps and provides a real service to the diaspora.

While I ~could~ listen Radio Punjabi via audionow, I am not going to. I will watch the very occasional bollywood flick though. The former is a niche export, the latter a popular export (and the sort of thing that could get a 'foreign film' oscar nod if enough of us tune in.)

Offline x4000

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Very very true!

And I suppose that's one big difference in SBR: there are no expats in that game, for a variety of reasons.  And relations between the countries are such that it's pretty much "popular or nothing."  There's also no real cultural center that the rest of the factions revolve around.  Even if you make your faction very culturally significant, and dominate some of the races that way, you're unlikely to be able to dominate all of them that way (actually, some races are completely unable to be culturally dominated, which is fine -- mixed victories are a thing).

Anyhow, so that sort of thing winds up not applying in SBR, which is I guess is where I was coming from.  I live in a pretty international area all told, so we have a lot of specialty stores that cater to specific cultures (a lot of Indian Supermarkets, etc).  In SBR there would be diversity within the faction, perhaps, but not members of one faction living in another.
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Offline ptarth

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      Part 1. Organizing some of the Market Item System information into more concise chunks.

  • Market Item Types
    • [1] Permanent Bonus (similar to technology)
    • [2] Ongoing Bonus (similar to trade routes)
  • Market Item Quantity
    • Not too many, but not too few

  • Market Items are midgame things.
    • There is a separate trade system that handles regular racial commerce (which may be nil), only the high value stuff is handled by Market Items.
    • Market Items are items that represent an entire class of specialty good.
    • For example, the 50 Shades of Blue is a Fiction.Erotic item.
    • It represents an entire industry devoted to erotic fiction.
    • 50 Shades of Blue is simply the best or most well known.
    • This class represents the shift away from the granular level items and to more general systems.

  • Market Item Creation
    • It is similiar to a research system
    • You spend resources on items that you trade with our races to get their item bonuses
    • Research a particular item once (e.g., civ tech trees) vs Research a particular class of item (Star Drive)
    • (either you get a list of Market items to choose from (e.g., Chainsaw Rifles or Fluffy goes to Sleep) or you choose a particular item type (e.g., research into Military.personal.weapon might give you Chainsaw Rifles)
  • Some Concerns with the granularity of the Market System (i.e., we want limits on the number of items)
    • Option 1: Items values decay over time or be replaced by subsequent research.
      • The Every-Other-Day Show is great for the first 10 seasons, but they want something new.
      • Either continue in Sandwich-Report or you decide to switch over the new world of Poetry.Pastoral
    • Option 2: Once you trade an item, it is gone. You can't trade it ever again.
    • Option 3: Lots of other options.

Restructuring the Market Item Structure
So, I looked at the structure you provided and tried to simplify it and make it more general. Mostly it was creating a consistent grammar that let me parse items more easily, which I can then use to figure out how to generate some item lists. For example, makePhilosophy is the same type of thing as writeFiction. So I just generalized the structure.
The Racial Sheet is only updated for the Auctians and Andors. If this wasn't going to be useful, I could save some time but not transposing them.
1. Split Import from Export and Make/Write
In the original system you posted you had them half split, I went ahead and tried to split them all
Each Race has import preferences (would we buy it if it was offered, e.g., Acutians - "Yes, please")
Each Race has export preferences (would we sell it, if we made it, e.g., Burlusts Guns)
Each Race has a building count (in original document it was labelled make/write)
Each Race has a interest level (in the original document this was the same as building count. I didn't create this one, but it would make sense. E.g., The Peltians might not have that many ways of making Bead Wallets, but they sure do make a bunch with what they have. They also want to buy your Bead Wallets).

2. Split off Race from Leader
If there are baseline Race Market Item preferences, then leaders can be simple differences from the typical race member. A simple weighting system (additive, multiplicative, or logged) would work here. In addition a basic template inherited by all races would set all values to 0. So that unless specified in the Racial or Leader Market Item profile, those items are ignored by that race.
Example: All the Acutian leaders love weapons. So make the weapon preference is moved to the Acutian Racial entry, and left blank in the leader entry. This reduces redundancy. Currently only item preferences and building counts are stored at the racial level, but it should be straightforward to do.

3. Combine Race + Leader values to end up with an overall Race/Leader Market item preference.

4. Market Item Variants
This is where the real part of the task lies. The rest is window dressing.
Looking at what you found for Racial Preferences it seems that each Market Item should have variants.
These variants will each have their own unique grammar frames, which will allow Pastoral Poetry and also Heroic Epics.
The variants that I came up with off hand.

Broadcast.Variants <- c("general", "news", "education", "violent", "happy")
ConsumerProduct.Variants <-c("general", "dangerous", "technological", "gadgets")
Military.Variants <- c("general", "personal.weapons", "vehicle.weapons", "personal.armor", "vehicle.armor", "", "")
Philosophy.Variants <- c("general", "dark", "trivial", "serious")
Fiction.Variants <- c("general","happy", "sad", "propaganda")
NonFiction.Variants <- c("general", "torture", "war", "applied", "basic", "organic")
Periodical.Variants <- c("general", "news", "research", "propaganda", "entertainment")
Poetry.Variants <- c("general", "positive", "romantic", "sad", "sentimental", "negative", "epic")

The general variant is used to indicate a race will deal with everything in that category (e.g., Acutians like all of the Military items). The specific weight variants are used to indicate a preference (strong, weak, avoid, whatever).

5. Variants as unique variables or fields in records
I don't have any better ideas on how to add variants than as their own separate weight category that must be created per variant. Combining them and doing some sort of grep sounds like a nightmare. The name system could also use some cleaning, along with tense and plurality unification.

6. Races & Names
It seems easiest to incorporate personal names into the grammar Frames based upon the race generating an item.

Example of some weights in action
So Boarines are only interested in weapons, but they both buy and sell. They would have
Racial.Export.Military.Variant.person.weapons = 1
Racial.Import.Military.Variant.person.weapons = 1
Racial.Export.Military.Variant.vehicle.weapons = 1
Racial.Import.Military.Variant.vehicle.weapons = 1

Chak the Acutian leader doesn't believe in importing knowledge.
Leader.Import.NonFiction.general = 0
Leader.Import.NonFiction.torture = 0
Leader.Import.NonFiction.war = 0
Leader.Import.NonFiction.applied = 0
Leader.Import.NonFiction.basic = 0 = 0

I could also see a Leader/Racial.Overall.Nonfiction tag (I didn't specify it in the provided spreadsheet).
For example, the Thoraxian Queens aren't interested in your thoughts or sharing hers.
Racial.Overall.Nonfiction = 0
Racial.Overall.Fiction = 0
Racial.Overall.Broadcast = 0
Racial.Overall.Poetry = 0

The factors would all be combined (multiplicatively, additively, logged) to create the final AI guiding values.
Racial.Overall.Nonfiction * Leader.Import.Nonfiction.general * Race.Import.Nonfiction.general
Racial.Overall.Nonfiction * Leader.Export.Nonfiction.general * Race.Export.Nonfiction.general[/list][/list]

I've been consider how to weight words per characteristics of races. I think this only matters to nouns. It also may be limited to a specific subset of grammar frames. In a heavy handed approach we just assign each race a list of prefered words, e.g., Burlusts get aggressive & violent words, the water guys get fish and water words, etc.  Alternatively, I looked into calculating semantic distances to words from racial keywords. The problem is that we'd still need to get the list of racially associated words. So we take aggression, war, battle, etc, calculate the distance between each word in a corpus and those words. Take the 100-500 most common nouns, and then use those. It might work.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 12:40:16 pm by ptarth »
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Offline x4000

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Whew, wow. :)  Mostly lots of head-nodding, but responding to specific points that need some clarification.

Market Item Types
[1] Single Bonus (similar to technology)
[2] Ongoing Bonus (similar to trade routes)

These are actually all ongoing bonuses, like a technology.  But the distinction is "does the other race permanently get it in a one-time transaction, or do you continuously supply it to them via an agreement."  And vice-versa.  You also get the same benefits in reverse.

Some Concerns with the granularity of the Market System (i.e., we want limits on the number of items)
Option 1: Items values decay over time or be replaced by subsequent research.
The Every-Other-Day Show is great for the first 10 seasons, but they want something new.
Either continue in Sandwich-Report or you decide to switch over the new world of Poetry.Pastoral
Option 2: Once you trade an item, it is gone. You can't trade it ever again.
Option 3: Lots of other options.

Well, bear in mind that once you have gotten a new market item, that agreement is just there permanently.  There's no real reason for it to decay or whatever, because I feel like that adds complexity and extra fiddling.  If I'm having to restock market item trades, that gets annoying, like having it pop up and ask me to re-confirm existing trade routes in Civ 5.  In this model, it's kind of like the trade routes in Civ 5, but once you set them up they are done forever unless you decide to break them off for some reason, in which case you can then reestablish them.  But then later on more possible things to trade arrive, and you can set them up once and then forget them, etc.

With that sort of model, yes, it's possible that you might suddenly have a pile of items later on to deal with, if you weren't managing trade as you went.  That's a somewhat edge case I hope, and anyway I'm not sure that's avoidable.  If you HAVE to be on top of trade constantly from the start in order not to miss anything, that's really putting some unpleasant pressure on players to play a certain way, too.  Having those things be available when the player wants them, even if it is in unpleasant bulk later, is I think relevant.

Regarding the market item structure, that's going to take a separate post on my part, because I need to write up some things relating to that.  What you have is really good, but in a few areas doesn't fully work (for some technical integration reasons only), so I need to update the schema and do an updated post on that.  I shall return. ;)
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Offline x4000

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Whew, okay, wow.  Almost four hours later, and I have all this sorted out now. ;)

Basically I now have a grid which you can see here as the new tab NewRawGrid.

That's the data that the game now reads in in order to determine if a racial leader will import or export various goods, and if it's something created only by the player.  It also has some stuff in there about probabilities.  An explanation on that system is in the Explanation tab in that same spreadsheet.  Frankly the system is a bit funky to understand, but I did it that way because then a single integer can represent four possible pieces of data in one.

I have that importing into the game now, and it is self-checking itself against some other data based on the definitions for the alien buildings, among other things, to make sure that each race is properly matched up and able to use the data right.  I had made three mistakes in there that I fixed after running that; not bad for 1764 Excel cells. ;)

What's more important for our purposes here, however, is the new tab that I also added in that same document, CreatedBy?  That is the TLDR form of data for the grid of each race versus each MarketItemSubType (of which there are 42).  Basically each column says "can this race ever produce a MarketItemSubType of this type, either in the hands of the AI or in the hands of players?"  If the answer is yes, it says YES.

For purposes of coming up with lists of thematically-appropriate stuff, then, those YESes are the ones that should be the focus.  Anything blank is irrelevant, because you don't need to account for that race making that kind of MarketItemSubType.

Lastly, you'll note the actual final list of MarketItemSubType entries.  ptarth, I based a lot of that off what you had done, which I know was also based largely on what I did the day before.  But I did find some holes and so forth when I was actually matching this up to game mechanics, so I filled those in and now we have a fully final list.  I haven't done this yet, but I will be able to correlate individual types of bonuses to specific MarketItemSubTypes, which is great -- that way you never get a buff to vehicles on a hand weapon technology, etc.

At this point, I think we're at a place where:
1. At least one pattern needs to be defined for each MarketItemSubType.
2. Various noun, adjective, and proper noun lists need to be made for each race, and specific lists of those assigned to specific patterns.  For instance, there might be a couple of noun lists for the Burlusts, but one goes with poetry and the other goes with hand weapons.  Or whatever.  That hand weapon list might actually be shared by 7 races, who knows.  The way those are related can be extremely flexible.

And that's actually all that remains, I think.  Of course that's still a huge amount of work, but now we're to the point of actually filling in a structure for the most part, rather than designing several levels of structure. :)
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Offline ptarth

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There is a second edge case for having a mass of items to deal with. If you have a large trading partner for which you then engage in war. All of the ongoing bonus trades then get put back into the pool.

Also, how many times can you trade away the on-going trade items and the one-time trade items?

Example of the Variant System using NonFiction
Variant List: general, torture, war, applied, basic, organic

A Burlust History of the Andors
Acutian Geopolitics
Biography of the Acutian CEO: ES92

Specimen [10221]: Swimming at Night
Prisoner [39281]: Drinking alone
Recovered Memory [24123]: Sandwich memories

The Battle of Swan Lake
Tactical swimming
Burlust Fortificans
A Guide to Interrogating Peltians

Chemical Sanding
Laser grafting
Nuclear Physics

Properties of Kinetics
Functional Hypothesis
The Visual System of Nixians

A Study of Neoworms
Hoofrot Review
Plasmoid index of slimes

All of this would be accomplished using frame variants. Additionally, words and frames could have weights or specific racial weights. So we'd see more Battle of <> from Burlusts and more Specimen[######][Verb][Proposition] from Evucks.
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Offline x4000

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There is a second edge case for having a mass of items to deal with. If you have a large trading partner for which you then engage in war. All of the ongoing bonus trades then get put back into the pool.

Also, how many times can you trade away the on-going trade items and the one-time trade items?

There are conditions that can make a large trading partner stop trading with you, yes.  In those circumstances, the odds of you recovering and suddenly being able to trade a lot of stuff with them anytime soon is unlikely.  Most likely your strategy is going to have changed to military or some other strategy with them, rather than economic domination.

Ongoing trade items can be traded with anyone and everyone who is interested.  However, each trading partner requires a certain amount of manufacturing capacity on your part in order to service that ongoing agreement, so you're limited in your total number of deals, period, by how many factories you have and how efficiently they are running.  Build more factories and you can send more weapons to more people, etc.

Similar things are required for broadcasts (you need tv stations), and for periodical distribution you also need facilities for that.

In terms of one-time trades, you can do those once per other faction.  If you want to give Fifty Shades of Blue to each race for the price they're willing to respectively offer, then go for it.  You trade the rights to it, or the knowledge in it if it's nonfiction, and that's the end of that.  But that doesn't stop you from turning around and doing it with someone else.

The nice thing about the trade system here is that it's based somewhat off eBay and Amazon in some respects.  You can say "what are your offers for this thing?"  And then the offers come in, sorted by the best ones first.  You might not choose the "best" one, because you're trying to butter up someone else, but still.  You aren't having to go in and out of menus endlessly to work on these sorts of trades.

Example of the Variant System using NonFiction
Variant List: general, torture, war, applied, basic, organic

A Burlust History of the Andors
Acutian Geopolitics
Biography of the Acutian CEO: ES92

Specimen [10221]: Swimming at Night
Prisoner [39281]: Drinking alone
Recovered Memory [24123]: Sandwich memories

The Battle of Swan Lake
Tactical swimming
Burlust Fortificans
A Guide to Interrogating Peltians

Chemical Sanding
Laser grafting
Nuclear Physics

Properties of Kinetics
Functional Hypothesis
The Visual System of Nixians

A Study of Neoworms
Hoofrot Review
Plasmoid index of slimes

All of this would be accomplished using frame variants. Additionally, words and frames could have weights or specific racial weights. So we'd see more Battle of <> from Burlusts and more Specimen[######][Verb][Proposition] from Evucks.

I'm not 100% following how you want to create this, algorithmically-speaking and data-structure-wise.  I get what you're after, but I want to make sure and keep the data structures simple and the rules simple.

For instance, having the following flat files:

Filename: TortureFrames (40 entries)
Filename: BurlustAngryNouns (14)
Filename: BurlustAngryVerbs (10)

Then having a rule for the Burlust version of torture stuff that says:
1. pick a random entry from TortureFrames.
2. for each occurrence of {noun}, pick a random noun from BurlustAngryNouns.
3. for each occurrence of {verb} pick a random verb from BurlustAngryVerbs.

And so on.  That right there would, in the most conservative case, lead to 5600 unique Burlust-specific Torture names.  If some of the frames used more than one noun or verb, it would be even higher.

If you wanted to have multiple sets of TortureFrames each with their own rulesets, and a percent chance that given races would choose the ruleset that includes that torture frame, then that is certainly doable.  So maybe a 60% chance that it takes the above frame, and a 40% chance that it takes a different one that is more supplicative than angry, etc.
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Fake edit: Oh wow the conversation went technical since I started typing this. Posting anyway since why not. This is in response to Chris and tbrass talking about mass and niche imports.

I don't think you need to worry about expats in SBR Chris. I do imagine that there's going to be some people who move from one race's city to others (if only because the Acutians will want to be close to their market), but SBR's premise puts an all new spin on integration issues. More to the point, expatriates are irrelevant to what you're simulating.

For a real world example, let's use Japanese cars in the US. Regardless of how popular Toyota is or how many Japanese immigrants miss the brand, the US government is not going to negotiate with Japan to import them. Corporations do that, and the government gets involved only to restrict imports when Detroit pitches a fit.

Same with cultural imports as it is finished products: corporations establish branches to bring their products across on their own terms or license them out to local distributors. Governments regulate consumer products, goods and services, governments don't work to acquire them. The exception is military grade weapons, which are hardly commercial. Governments work to secure whole markets, not individual products no matter how good.

This is a very long way of saying that since real world governments aren't in charge of getting technologies, the criteria for deciding what technologies SBR governments are interested in bringing over are going to be... alien. [won'tgetfooledagain.mp3]  ;D
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 02:31:29 pm by Watashiwa »

Offline x4000

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Cheers Watashiwa. :)

ptarth: I think I actually have what I need for now; I'm going to create a first set of files for things, and then I'll go from there.
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Offline ptarth

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There are two types of Market Items.
One-time use Market Items can be traded to everyone, once. They have a single cost to research and a single cost to trade (it may be $0).
On-going Market Item trading depends on manufacturing capacity. You will have X units of production and can use them on Y different Market Items. How much X a Market Item requires is dependent upon the Item (also, possibly racial factors and size of trading partner?).

If you "lose" a trading partner, those on-going trade deals are canceled. Your available production capacity increases due to those cancelled deals no longer consuming resources. You can do whatever you want with your "new" found excess production. You may be able to voluntarily cancel trades. One-time use Market Items are not impacted by trade deals being cancelled, you can't take them back, and they have no ongoing costs to refund.

On-going Market Item trades are dependent upon production capacity.
One-time Market Items can be traded to every other race, once.

Example of the Variant System using NonFiction
Variant List: general, torture, war, applied, basic, organic

Specimen [10221]: Swimming at Night
Prisoner [39281]: Drinking alone
Recovered Memory [24123]: Sandwich memories
I'm not 100% following how you want to create this, algorithmically-speaking and data-structure-wise.  I get what you're after, but I want to make sure and keep the data structures simple and the rules simple.

For instance, having the following flat files:

Filename: TortureFrames (40 entries)
Filename: BurlustAngryNouns (14)
Filename: BurlustAngryVerbs (10)

Then having a rule for the Burlust version of torture stuff that says:
1. pick a random entry from TortureFrames.
2. for each occurrence of {noun}, pick a random noun from BurlustAngryNouns.
3. for each occurrence of {verb} pick a random verb from BurlustAngryVerbs.


If you wanted to have multiple sets of TortureFrames each with their own rulesets, and a percent chance that given races would choose the ruleset that includes that torture frame, then that is certainly doable.  So maybe a 60% chance that it takes the above frame, and a 40% chance that it takes a different one that is more supplicative than angry, etc.

So "NonFiction.Torture" was supposed to correspond to "memories extracted from captives", which didn't make it across, however the general illustration still works, so that's fine. The general structure you proposed was consistent with what I was thinking.

The big question I was having is:
Should there be 1 file of nouns, with each noun having a weight based on certain characteristics.
With word lists being created by sampling prior to generation of market items. Perhaps just once at game start, generating the market items, and then deleting the word lists once they've done their purpose.

Or should there be 1 file per trait
Aggressive Nouns
  • Peaceful Nouns
  • Fish Nouns
  • etc
Or should there just 1 file per race
  • Burlust Nouns
  • Skylaxian Nouns
  • etc

  • The advantage of the first is that is allows the largest range of possibilities. Which means occasionally, you'd see a natural Burlust fascination in Sheep singing in the meadow. The problem it may be unwieldy.
  • The advantage of the second is that you have a moderate (only millions?) number of possibilities, and more control over each list. Each Race would have a list of which characteristic lists they have access to.
  • The advantage of the third is that you have complete control over every list. Oddities will ONLY occur when you specify them. It will be very redundant though, since many words will occur often across some, but not all racial lists.

My elegant preference is the first. I think you wereadvocating the second in your previous postings. But in your most recent post, it seems you are stating a mixture of the second and third? Practically, the second seems the most reasonable choice, but I'm uncertain, and this is your baby, I'm just complaining.

As for list size, as you point out, this scales quickly. Let's pretend 50,000 variants for an item is good enough for each particular market item + race combination. This could be accomplished with only 20 frames, 50 nouns, 50 verbs for example (assuming each frame uses 1 verb and 1 noun).
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Offline ptarth

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ptarth: I think I actually have what I need for now; I'm going to create a first set of files for things, and then I'll go from there.

Did you want us to start generating list of frames and word lists now that you have a data structure and Item Subclasses you are happy with? Or do you have that covered? Or wait until you give an example list for us to replicate over the other races/items.
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Offline x4000

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Okay, whew.  What I'd like to do is actually store all of this in one spreadsheet, rather than a series of flat files.  That will be easier to keep track of, and easier to read in, and all of this is visually narrow data anyhow, so it's not like multiple tabs are even needed.  I've created a new, publicly-editable sheet here with some stuff filled in:

I have to sign off for now (seriously this has been an all-day thing, whew), but now there's a good area to start filling things in for.  Specifically adjectives, people names, place names, and then the start of the frames.

There are also undoubtedly going to be some esoteric needs, like the ClothingNouns thing that I added.  Where it's a list of a lot of types of clothing, etc.  And then ConsumerProduct_Clothing has a couple of ways of referencing that.

The general ways of referencing the race-specific adjectives, people, and places are {Adjective}, {Person}, and {Place}.  You can also use {MyRace} to refer to the race that has made the item.

Anyway, beyond that it's going to be a matter of getting into a lot of special cases, but there's a ton of data that can already start being filled in. 50ish items for all the adjective, noun, and place columns is probably a good idea, for instance.  If we need verb columns as well, then we'll have to get that on there in some fashion, too.

It's a big job for sure!  Thanks to you guys for helping.  I wanted to get this sheet up there before you went off to the races with another one of your own, but now this is ready so we're back in business.  I likely won't be around much until Monday; until then!

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Are there going to be noun columns for races or item type?

Thinking of written items: even if the nouns are added there would probably be plenty of frames which have nouns written in (in order to make sure the result is dark/social/propaganda), but the extra flexibility might be worth the extra columns.

After thinking this through some more, I'm not convinced that there could be noun columns that would be much more useful than just writing nouns into the frames (still in terms of written items, where the nouns would either have to reflect the races interests and the item type, or be impossibly neutral).

A column filled with {Adjective} Wisdom, {Adjective} Thought, {Adjective} Ideas... seemed wasteful at first, but now I'm not so sure.

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I was looking at the adjective list when something occurred to me. You might consider making a distinction between player Zenith and the AI Zenith where adjectives are concerned. I remember hearing that the playable version of the Zenith would have a humanoid formfactor, but the adjectives currently being used for the Zenith are all describing their full sized computer controlled counterparts, e.g. "massive", "outsize", "towering", etc.

Offline ptarth

  • Arcen Volunteer
  • Hero Member Mark III
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  • I'm probably joking.
Just a heads up, people are getting too focused on synonym lists or describing the races,  instead of words the races would use.

Let's invent names for Peltian Consumer Products: Clothes, and more specifically Socks for export to others.

Example of Items formed by words that describe Peltians and synonyms
Using the initial adjective list Chris provided we have: Limited Socks, Insignificant Socks, Poor Socks, Narrow Socks, Fat Socks, Minute Socks, Teeny Socks, Tiny Socks, or Unimportant Socks. (Chris's items were chosen because he has the best sense of humor).

Example of Items formed by words that Peltians would use to describe their own products:
Soft Socks, Natural Socks, Organic Socks, Hand-made Socks, Hemp Socks, Downy Feather Socks, Natural Glade Socks, or Woven Socks.
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.