General Category > Stars Beyond Reach... This World Is Mine

Release Date now Oct 21st, next beta wave later, subtractive design.

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Huh, I'm not sure what to think of this delay.

On one hand, I like the sounds of all of the changes you've come up with, even if it does seem to require that you tear the whole thing apart and then piece it back together.  Particularly as previous iterations just werent holding my attention... not too important in an overall sense here, but still.

But, that amount of time....  Isnt it a bit risky?  I find it kinda worrying, myself.  I mean, there had been problems with length of time taken with a couple of the other games if I recall correctly, but this is surely the longest one yet.  Granted, TLF seemed to do pretty darn good, and the expansion.... I have no idea, but still, a bit worrying indeed.

Or I'm just paranoid, that is often the case.

Valley 1 actually took longer than this, not that that was a poster child for success. ;) In the case here, the biggest risk is making a huge investment (done) and then having a game that doesn't hold up. This particular delay doesn't push us over any financial cliffs, but we can't really afford another one.


--- Quote from: x4000 on August 21, 2015, 07:18:27 am ---Valley 1 actually took longer than this, not that that was a poster child for success. ;) In the case here, the biggest risk is making a huge investment (done) and then having a game that doesn't hold up. This particular delay doesn't push us over any financial cliffs, but we can't really afford another one.

--- End quote ---

Wow, did it really?   Huh.  didn't know that.  Though, now that I think about it... I do remember those early videos where it was an overhead game instead of a platformer.... yeah, I can see how that'd end up taking such an amount of time.  I dont think I showed up here till near the end of that, if I recall correctly.

For what it's worth *I* thought that game came out pretty darn well.  I always think more people should give it a try. 

Well, I know one thing at least:  You guys certainly have the dedication to pull this off pretty darned well.

I'll ask though, any ETA on some of these major changes? I coulda sworn this was mentioned elsewhere but heck if I can remember where.

I appreciate the kind words. :)

In terms of an ETA here, some of that is still vague.  But the bulk of the new combat model will be in next week, and is all defined here if you are interested in it:

For the events stuff, that's going to be an ongoing thing with more stuff coming in.  Within 2 weeks we should have a super hefty amount of it done.  Ideally another big bulk of that next week.


--- Quote from: x4000 on August 21, 2015, 11:18:13 am ---I appreciate the kind words. :)

In terms of an ETA here, some of that is still vague.  But the bulk of the new combat model will be in next week, and is all defined here if you are interested in it:

For the events stuff, that's going to be an ongoing thing with more stuff coming in.  Within 2 weeks we should have a super hefty amount of it done.  Ideally another big bulk of that next week.

--- End quote ---
Speaking of events: Can you give a quick outline which ones are already present in .906? Just asking because I am past turn 50 and yet have to see one...

PS: Incoming stuff sounds very good in my book. Looking forward to it!


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