(Or a Titanic Titillator, but you might have trouble locating a flock of pureed starlings)
I loved that game! Never saw the end of it though, we couldn't work out how to get sauce on the roast chicken.
That isn't even the worst puzzle.
I finished the game, only with help from a walkthrough. I think on my own I got up to 2nd class.
The worst puzzle is locating Earth (or rather, the sun) using a 3D hologram visualization of the milkyway* and matching the stars to the one in the photograph the Butlerbot suggests you take with you at the beginning of the game.
(The bomb is funnier in the book, btw, which if you haven't read it yet, go do so. There's an audiobook version if you're into that sort of thing, but the book takes place just prior to the ship ship showing up at your house and explains the dead bodies. And...why everything went pearshaped in the first place.)
*Well, a 3D starchart, it's not the whole galaxy.