Hi Chris would it be best to start a new game after the update?
I would say that is a judgement call. I don't think any older saves are invalid, but especially after .772 (out shortly), the balance there with linguistics in particular will be worth a restart I think.
As we get closer to being out of the redshirt period, the need for restarts will go drastically down, but it may be relatively high this week depending on what you consider a "need" to restart. All the savegames are backward compatible, so you'll never be forced to start a new one.
Thanks Chris!
If you have to choose one way or another, I'd prefer you go ahead and get GUI taken care of. The more we get acclimated to this one the harder it'll be to switch over.
True enough! That's going to be my mission for tomorrow, I think. Hopefully I can knock that out in 3-4 hours max, we'll see.
Chris, you have this titled as .771 but the wiki says .701, and so does your link
Whoops, the wiki and link were wrong. Fxied both, thanks!