Cheers guys, thanks for the kind words. Lots of interesting thoughts here, and on mantis and the beta area recently.
A lot of the general things people are not liking at the moment, or wanting clarity on, come back a bit to some of my original intent for the game and how I had to give up a few things in order to make sense of things like combat and the world itself. Now some of those are coming back to bite me in terms of combat and building ranges for this and that, and so that has me looking back to my original intent some now that I know all the things that I've learned about the game in the last half year. I think I can bring back some of those elements in a straightforward way, and both simplify some of the range/combat woes as well as actually bringing more depth to expansion and so on.
We shall see. It's something I'm spending a fair bit of time on today seeing if I can make work visually, because that's the number one thing for me right now. I think that this works conceptually very well, so long as I can make it work visually in a way that doesn't make the entire game ugly or unclear or what have you.