Quote from X4000 - (with my responses/descriptions in parentheses)
1. SeaSlug - anti air range, Cephalaspidea - sensory range?? (2-3 tile range)
2. PhoronidWorms - a "filter feeder" sometimes called horsething on your foot worms??? (more an annoyance than major disease, takes low maintenance cream to keep under control, but takes a long time to cure, 6-12 months)
3. VoltaicEel - electric eel purpose??? (attaches itself to interceptor buildings and reduces the overall range/speed of those craft)
4. AnglerShark - very scary, also to do with the light on it (nullifies two attacking units or squads simultaneously. Light amplifies this effect to 4 attacking units/squads for a two turn period)
5. SeaMule - delicacy, and otherwise associated with wealth. (super expensive luxury item that effectively doubles the happiness of the population for two turns. Loss of SeaMule delicacy after having had it produces a 'depressed' period for the population for two turns after loss)
6. WoolyTerrapin - sea turtle with lots of hair purpose?
(add invulnerability to your buildings under attack for two turns. Loss of WT means a 4 turn vulnerability at half the value. Use now? Use in the middle of a war? Use when attacking?)
7. TuftedBlueCrab - from blue: Either high end sea food, or potentially a poison source.
(perhaps both, a high end seafood capable of adding happiness/effectiveness to your population,or portions thereof, for two turns. But on occassion determined by RNG percentages it is a poison that effectively disables a portion of your population. It doesn't need to kill, but only reduce the effectiveness of your workforce for two or 4 turns. Perhaps 4? As the bonus is really nice, but there is a substantial risk in using it)
8. DesertAuricleFennec - guard animal that prevents crimes of opportunity (for two turns)
9. DesertCactiTrap - some sort of poison fruit (reduces lifespan to a third of portion of population, but doubles there effectiveness. Nice to use, but it costs pop, can you afford that?)
10. DesertFruitingCapers - health benefits? (Doubles Intelligence or Strength or Endurance of a unit for two turns, but only one of these, and it is always a risk as it can also disable the unit that is given it for two turns)
11. DesertGranulopteryx - air attack range up, learning from flight characteristics (but effectively loses them, units become a one use only unit and will have to be replaced by newly produced units)
12. DesertMacropusDromedary - kangaroo camel?
(allows deeper/wider subterranian access to units for one turn. Units using kangaroo camel support will need additional KC units for a second or third, etc use)
13. DesertSulfuricGourd - what to do with sulfur??? (can be used in combination with weapons to produce added hit points for weapons damage, but at the cost of producing a waste from their use that will need to be 'processed' and stored away to prevent disease or chemical contamination)
14. DesertVicedViper - super dangerous poison or other heavy chemical warfare stuff
(takes 2-3 turns to effectively produce, and is used up in 1 turn. Does it effectively kill a tile? Making it non-useable? Or only for 10 or 20 or so turns? And if 200 turns can be done in 15 minutes [i heard this reference somewhere] then maybe it should be a 200 to 400 turn non-use for those tiles)
15. ForestBlueFanKestrel - guards ground troops, making them stronger? (Perhaps only there endurance, meaning they can withstand XX damage for a turn before dying, FBFK extends this to two turns)
16. ForestDwarfHare - some sort of food or other processing (Extends the useful state of a unit for one more turn)
17. ForestHenbane - Common effects of henbane ingestion in humans include hallucinations,[1] dilated pupils, restlessness, and flushed skin. Less common symptoms, such as tachycardia, convulsions, vomiting, hypertension, hyperpyrexia, and ataxia, have all been noted. (used in bombs and gaseous attacks on units or populations)
18. ForestParotoid - from a gland on this frog - alkaloid substance to deter predators (for 1 turn)
19. ForestPomegranateSeedOil - artistic inspiration and cosmetics? (for 5 turns, but difficult to come by)
20. ForestProteinSeeds - food boost? (for 1 turn)
21. ForestSkybane - anti-air power, and what else from this blue toxic flower? (doubles health, but halves useful life of a unit/individual)
22. JungleDropbear - cuddly, lethal, strikes with surprise. (Can be used only in combination with ground troop units)
23. JungleEcomorphs - changeable lizard thing?? (Chameleon that 'appears' to be one kind of unit, when in effect only being a decoy. Can mimic several different types of units, but only for 2 or 5 turns, after which the JE lizards would need to be replaced)
24. JungleEpiphyticCacti - lives on the side of jungle trees. Does... what? (Produces hallucinegenic drug gas into the local air, effectively eliminating the usefulness of the units in that area indefinately. Until they are either cleared, requiring a certain tech, or units go around the tiles where they reside)
25. JungleGhostSpice - looks lovely, but actually is pretty useful as a police aid. (Happy goop, smear some on targets and you get non-hostile units for 1 or 2 turns)
26. JungleKudu - musical instruments from their horns, yikes the kuduzela (Happiness index increase for population from these instruments, however the scavenging/harvesting of these horns produces 'raids' from the herds near the harvesting cities)
27. JungleMarten - omnivores that help eat trash or bodies (Useful in small numbers, but can quickly overpopulate and begin to eat non-trash/dead bodies making them in larger numbers a hazard to the health of your population/city)
28. JungleNiacinSeeds - cell signaling and DNA repair, health stuff (long term, but very very very expensive)
29. JungleOcherSoursop - has the neurotoxin annonacin in it, useful for treating some diseases as well as causing Parkinson's like symptoms (long term?)
30. JungleSplitFaceRaptor - strange jungle bird with two heads??? (feathers produce a luxury index addition of 1 long term, but the bird in some cases in the wild act as warning systems for local indigenous life. Promoting the chances [percentage] for an attack by indigenous lifeforms)
31. JungleSweetroot - helps with birth rates and folk medicine??? perennial herb
32. PlainsArmorDrake - vehicle bonuses or something??? (lifespan doubled, requires larger 'doses' to maintain that doubled lifespan as it is spread to other units in sequence. Effectively costing more for each additional unit/squad)
33. PlainsFallowPiebald - genetic aberrant with some useful something??? artistic inspiration? (Raises Intellectual endevours in all units, and minimizing conflict or damage ability. Can be used on your own pop to increase artistic traits that produce other effects in your cities. Or it can be used to 'pacify' target populations for short terms, 10-20 turns?)
34. PlainsFieldRunner - super fast and thus able to eat rattlesnakes and such in a very interesting way. (reduces rattlesnake pop in an area long term, 100-200 turns?)
35. PlainsHoneyFly - stimulates crop growth, and probably stems planet rage (short term? 10-20 turns?)
36. PlainsSolDragon - something impressive, I don't know. Brilliant gold. (Desert sand dragon composed of the bodies of no less than 1 billion sand ants, very very strong and aggressive, almost impossible to beat, avoidance might be best, but only produced in rare cases where the queen of a sand ant hive has been killed before a successor has been born or raised to take over. These are local indigenous life, not a race per se and have perhaps only a 2-4 turn lifespan)
37. SnowyAmberSedge - associated with poor soil??? (depletes the soil of useful nutrients, if left untreated this micro-organism can decimate farmlands and crops long term, or half decimate for 100-200 turns?)
38. SnowyArcticLuffa - unique nano-Xylem useful in computing. (Research item, effectively doubles computing ability, but effectively doubles infrastructure costs as well)
39. SnowyFrostwalker - strange blue creature that does... what? (emanates a peaceful thrumming sound, effectively quieting all warfare and conflict in a 2 tile wide circle around the beast as it wanders across the map, creating 'peace' in its path)
40. SnowyGrandElk - spiritually revered... and a source of velvet. (Cannot be captured, slowed, or held, it produces a sense of 'one-ness' as long as it remains within 2-5 tiles of any unit. No conflict in those areas can occur)
41. SnowyGroundCycads - again spiritual significance, and also a "Starvation food." (extends lifespan for 1 more day, or unit of time. But reduces conflict in units where it is used, to zero)
42. SnowyIceRaptor - ice lizard of what purpose?
(Casts an invisibility screen over nearby units, making them unseen, but also un-scannable or un-smellable? For as long as the lizard is in the area. RNG could have it in any given area for 2-5 turns)
43. SnowyLichen - composite organism of cyanobacteria living among fungus filaments; solar boost and Biodegradation (1-2 turns)
44. SnowyPantothenicScrub - prolonging the duration until adrenal exhaustion. allowing double attacks from adjacent barracks? (1-2 turns)
45. SnowySilverHare - elusive silver rabbit that is actually metallic?
(offers local indigenous attacking units double damage points for 1-2 turns)
46. SnowyTundraNag - some sort of special alien silver and teal horse??? (effectively lowers the planet rage of units/race in area as long as nag is in the area. RNG effectively leaves the nag in a given area for 10-20, or 100-200 or 400-800 turns? [1 or 2 hours realtime?] actually this is my favorite.