Author Topic: Map styles discussion thread  (Read 585 times)

Offline MaskityMask

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Map styles discussion thread
« on: May 10, 2015, 07:30:37 am »
I'm gonna at some point create thread for discussing game victory scenarios too, but I wanted to start with this since I like map styles and feel like talking about island and snow planet in different threads is bit tiresome :p Plus people are probably busy today

  • Continental: Huge landmasses seperated by some water
  • Temperate lakes: Water takes form of large round circles, otherwise same as above I think
  • snow planet: Snow everywhere, thin ice everywhere(I could swear it melts but I proably imagined that), resources seem scarce?
  • islands: rather self expository, I guess its opposeite of continental though
  • Tropical: desert with large round circles of jungle at times, resources seem common? Or at least terrarium dome resources?

Continental style is pretty basic, but I do find it bit annoying because of the time peltians bombed my shore with their ships(and didn't take any damage on attacks for some reason <_<; Not sure if that is bug or not, it happened once on other save with burlust barracks). I mean, yeah, its pretty good and balanced, but you do have to remember to build seaports since if computer does so, you can't really do anything to protect your shore.

Temperate lakes is... I don't remember xP Should play the map again I guess. Anyway, I don't remember having strong opinions on it, I'd guess its similar to tropical, but at times there are a lot of water? Eh... I can't really say since I got wiped out by disease and grials fast on time I tried it out. Like I said, should try it again to see how it works.

Snow planet is one of my favourites :D I just like it thematically, only thing that would make it better would be if it would melt and buildings would crash on thin ice and such. I noticed someone mantising resources being scarce and I think I noticed that too, but if it isn't bug I do actually like that too thematic wise <_<

Anyhoo, islands.... You'd think that this is all about building sea ports, but its all about air transport and helipads xD I like it because its definitely different gameplay wise from others. There should be some underground water though since thoraxians can spread everywhere without problems at all. Also, spires, since they float. I wonder why neinzul didn't spread as far... Anyway, yeah, spires had almost much map space as thoraxians had on my island game. They took space from my earlier than the bugs :P

Tropical one is also my favourite :D I just like terraforming desert and I like that there seems to be lot of resources.

Gonna comment on map sizes too:

Tiny: Hoo boy, its... Well, even though races don't really do wars right now, this will devolve fast into world war were everyone shoots everyone and keep building buildings on top of buildings they just desrtoyed :D Name is apporiate

Small: Its small, but there is space to breath so it doesn't devolve into free for all brawl.

Medium: Similar to standard, but some races will definitely spawn close to each other and compete for space.

Standard: Everyone has enough space for their own nice corner. Thats pretty much it, you are gonna meet someone fast.

Large & huge: Well, at this point the differences aren't great enough to note. At large you already have lot of space for yourself, and if you get lucky with spawn you can basically win transdence without ever building military buildings(assuming none of your neighbors are hostile races) while thoraxians won't reach you(even if they would attack in this version) until its too late for them to do anything. So huge is like that, but even huger, if not for the fact that sometimes races spawn right next to each other(noticed that in generation :D Gotta be fun for those who spawned next to burlust), the races could potentially grow really big before you meet each other.

Main thing I noticed beyond that is that thoraxians do well on all maps since they can expand anywhere and can do it fast, they'd be scary if they attacked right now :P Spire don't do as well for some reason besides the island map... Not sure why
« Last Edit: May 10, 2015, 07:33:18 am by MaskityMask »