Brief notes:
1. I'm running slow, as you can probably guess. Sigh. No one thing is slowing me up, but I'm just measuring twice and cutting once, so to speak, and unit testing a lot with the numbers. Each of these industries feels a lot more unique because of it.
2. Disease mechanics: you don't have to understand how those work. In fact, it's really expected that you NOT, so in some ways I regret making them public.
They are meant to mimic real diseases in various ways, and to some extent that means that you can't by-the-numbers them. Anyone who doesn't read the release notes, which will be most players, will (and should) evaluate diseases on whether they "feel right." If they do, great, the math doesn't matter.
3. Scouting range being limited makes a lot of sense to me because it preserves the sense of mystery in the world, and encourages expansion. I think that could be handled better, though.
On my list for Keith:
-- Scouting: can you make it so that all scouts are able to scout in any location that is:
--- Within that range of ANY scout station, not just their own.
--- Or within that range of any district center.
--- Or within teleport range of any teleporter.
4. The crime at 300+ buildings is hardly anything, you big baby.
I tease, but it really isn't a big deal. There should be more crime as city growth increases, and it shouldn't be purely linear. The crime that arises is still super tame, probably too much so.
5. Shallow Mines indeed are now called just Mines, I do like that better.