General Category > Stars Beyond Reach Beta Phase 1-2 Discussion

the spire are terrifying

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--- Quote from: mooncows on June 19, 2015, 12:38:30 am ---In my current game, I just got to "celebrated" status with them. Spire as an ally ;)

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yea making friends with them isn't to difficult although they tend to not really help you in wars I've noticed due to them not really caring.


--- Quote from: crazyroosterman on June 19, 2015, 08:50:30 am ---
--- Quote from: mooncows on June 19, 2015, 12:38:30 am ---In my current game, I just got to "celebrated" status with them. Spire as an ally ;)

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yea making friends with them isn't to difficult although they tend to not really help you in wars I've noticed due to them not really caring.

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I generally just make friends for the sake of making friends, mostly because diplomacy is not up to stuff, but yeah the Spire dont really enter wars of their own accord, but I am not sure. Also have any of you noticed that none of the races never want a ceasefire, pretty odd.

Before the territories, if you waited for "a while" (like about 20 turns or 30), they stopped attacking.

But AFAIK, diplomacy is due for a rework - it's not supposed to be anywhere near finished.


--- Quote from: kasnavada on June 19, 2015, 10:11:54 am ---Before the territories, if you waited for "a while" (like about 20 turns or 30), they stopped attacking.

But AFAIK, diplomacy is due for a rework - it's not supposed to be anywhere near finished.

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yea pretty much spire not giving a shit about wars is I'm fairly certain a character trait though and an interesting one at that.

Wow, it has been a quiet day for posts today, anyway, just discovered that burlustian barracks with all the social policy upgrades do about 1500 damage which is pretty crazy. Despite that the spire mothers (i think) have about 60 000 health. In other words it would take about 45 turns to kill one of these with one barrack at max level, notto mention that there are alot of mini ones and about 3-6 mothers. In other words hit them with the nerf bat pls.


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