Thanks guys.
Out of the original set of resources (I believe about 40ish), all of those were based on real-world plants or compounds, and all of them are tied to real-world uses for things. The minerals and rare earth elements in particular. Some others, like salt for instance, are used in a real way that they are commonly weaponized, too. Capsacinoids are really a fungal deterrent, and so on.
Later on the other 40ish second set of resources we did are all completely fictitious flora and fauna. Some of them are a bit on the funny side, like dropbears. Some are references to other things a bit (ghost spice is somewhat a reference to Dune as well as to ghost peppers). And then others are just things that I tried to come up with that are plausible uses either chemically or animal-training-wise or food-wise.
Anyway, yeah, I put a lot of time into all that, so I'm glad somebody noticed!