General Category > Stars Beyond Reach Beta Phase 1-2 Discussion

Scenarios=level Editor?


I was irritated after I "started" a scneario because there was no HUD or anything. And after soem time I got that it's more of an level editor. How do you actually start the scneario?
Or ist it just a sandbox?

"Medic!  Get a medic over here!  Redshirt just jumped on a confusion grenade and there's body parts everywhere!"


Yep, it's a level editor, although it's in somewhat early stages now with the initial setup screen.  Functionally you can pretty much do everything, but it's not set up super clearly yet.

When you save a scenario, then later load it, you'll go directly into actually playing it.  You can also load any savegame in the level editor, which I'm told Civ 5 also did although I never noticed.

Thanks for clearing things up.
I was never into creating my own levels/scenarios in Civilization. Maybe I'm too lazy, maybe I don't had any good ideas but I never used the level editor out of the typical curios start to see how it looks like.
Maybe this will change with SBR, maybe not.


Yeah, I used to create levels in Warcraft II all the time, and some in AOE 1 and 2, but then I lost interest after those.


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