So, with
* Added tooltip to resources on inventory screen, stating which of your buildings are gathering and/or consuming the resource.
will we also get a tooltip that shows what the resource actually does?
Because even though I always go on resource harvesting sprees, I rarely ever bother to utilise them because I have no way of getting an overview of my resources' potential effects. I can build warehouses etc. and just try stuff out, or I can run all over the map and check the resources on-site; but the inventory window - where I can read how many of each I have, and which would thus be the most natural place to look them up at - gives me no information on the resources themselves.
Maybe this is already in and I overlooked it, in which case oops.
Maybe this is already done in the next version, in which case hooray!
Either way, I'm impatient and just going to forget I wanted this if I don't get it out now