Arcen Games

General Category => Stars Beyond Reach Beta Discussion => Stars Beyond Reach... This World Is Mine => Stars Beyond Reach Beta Phase 1-2 Discussion => Topic started by: donblas on June 17, 2015, 05:31:59 pm

Title: Renagade Orange-shirt Thoughts
Post by: donblas on June 17, 2015, 05:31:59 pm
Between a lack of free time (Pregnant wife + Kid) and the early versions not "grabbing" me, I've only played an bit here and there. I sat down for a chunk of time today and checked out the latest version. Here's some thoughts:

- The economy is super improved. No longer just spamming banks + malls. I really like the lumber mills + adjacency buildings. It gives me a reason to want to expand. I'm really happy with this.
- The district + city center system is interesting. I originally thought you'd need a city center for each district. I like the fact that it gives you a reason to expand, but the "3 districts apart" feels a bit weird.
- I was 86 turns into my game, and I didn't have any pressure in the game beyond making my cash flow increase and fix whatever the current reason I can't expand.
- Unlike AI War, there wasn't any obvious short term goal. For example, in a game of AI war, I know I need to build defenses, then scout, then find the nearest advanced factory/research and work towards getting it. In beyond reach, I don't really have that.
- If you needed a city center in each district to build in it, it'd give you a reason to expand to nearby districts and claim territory. And the limits would give you a push to get into research and/or the talent tree.
- I'm assuming the talent/culture tree is being reworked. There is little there that excites me (compare to
Title: Re: Renagade Orange-shirt Thoughts
Post by: Gwmngilfen on June 17, 2015, 06:17:25 pm
I was *just* about to write up my first blackshirt impressions, but you've already scored most of my points, so I'll just add to yours ;)

- The economy is super improved. No longer just spamming banks + malls. I really like the lumber mills + adjacency buildings. It gives me a reason to want to expand. I'm really happy with this.
Agreed. As a blackshirt I can't comment on the previous versions, but I did find myself using a lot of different building types, which felt nice. There was always a choice to make for what to build.
- The district + city center system is interesting. I originally thought you'd need a city center for each district. I like the fact that it gives you a reason to expand, but the "3 districts apart" feels a bit weird.
I don't mind the restriction, but some flavour text at some point to explain why might be nice for the player?
- I was 86 turns into my game, and I didn't have any pressure in the game beyond making my cash flow increase and fix whatever the current reason I can't expand.
- Unlike AI War, there wasn't any obvious short term goal. For example, in a game of AI war, I know I need to build defenses, then scout, then find the nearest advanced factory/research and work towards getting it. In beyond reach, I don't really have that.
- If you needed a city center in each district to build in it, it'd give you a reason to expand to nearby districts and claim territory. And the limits would give you a push to get into research and/or the talent tree.
Definitely on board with this. My full writeup is below, but I also felt no real midgame pressure (except for a disease that almost got out of control). I set my own goals, and reached them well enough without interference from the AI. Perhaps 0.895's expansionism will impact that... ;)
- I'm assuming the talent/culture tree is being reworked. There is little there that excites me (compare to
I believe so. If not, I'd +1 that mantis :)

My first game (Zenith) aborted around turn 100 from a crash-to-desktop before I'd enabled autosave. Sadface, but no major loss.

My second game was Skylaxian. I went heavy into research, diplomacy and linguistics. Could speak to everyone, got some nice trade deals. Had a disease problem that threatened to swamp me midgame (25% of the city infected with Ooze, and it was getting worse), but then I discovered the toxin screening option, and got back on top. From here I had no real pressures; my city was fine, occupying about 7 districts (just around the lander, no new centres), ~6k population, minor pollution & crime but easily handled. With no clear direction, I figured I'd have to pick one of my own.

So I beat up on the Burlusts just to try out combat - that felt a bit weird. Initially I was in a war with them via an international incident I joined, and I couldn't get near them. Everything I built in an adjacent sector (helipads, guard posts, even a military centre) got swamped and destroyed. So I left it a while, and waited until the incident was over. Then I filled every hex in the sector with barracks and helipads, and my opening turn of the "war" took out all miltary Burlust buildings except the core (which took me another 50 turns to kill). They probably should have surrendered (do Burlusts ever do that? Is it mantis-worthy? I have a savefile). Seems like there's still a massive first-mover advantage, and the AI doesn't currently seem to respond to massive military buildup in adjacent sectors.

Then I subjugated the Andors, to see if I could. Using my newfound combat knowledge, they surrendered very quickly ;). Finally I pooled my resources, bought the space tech from the Spire, and achieved a space victory (wildlife is no match for lasers...).

All in all, good fun. Going to try a different race with the new expansionist AI now... :)
Title: Re: Renagade Orange-shirt Thoughts
Post by: Tolc on June 17, 2015, 06:44:06 pm
Definitely on board with this. My full writeup is below, but I also felt no real midgame pressure (except for a disease that almost got out of control). I set my own goals, and reached them well enough without interference from the AI.

Heh, I was happily building my stuff till turn 80 in my first game (zenith). Everything took a quick turn for the worse when the Krolin got it in their heads to "subjugate" me...saucers warp in, all around my peaceful city (no military buildings, I figured that I had as of yet no need for them)...tried to withstand their onslaught, failed and gave up on that game  :D Lessons were learned I guess.

They probably should have surrendered (do Burlusts ever do that? Is it mantis-worthy? I have a savefile)
Yep, there's a forum thread where you can post your save game, shouldn't be hard to find ;) EDIT: This one:,17637.0.html (,17637.0.html)
Title: Re: Renagade Orange-shirt Thoughts
Post by: Gwmngilfen on June 17, 2015, 07:01:28 pm
I know the thread, I was just wondering if Burlusts were exempt - I can see an argument that they, in particular, would *never* surrender ;)
Title: Re: Renagade Orange-shirt Thoughts
Post by: Gwmngilfen on June 17, 2015, 07:04:29 pm
Actually I'm not sure my savefile is useful, it's *waaaaay* past the point they should have surrendered. I can't actually *see* any remaining Burlust buildings - there must be a coastal building hiding in the unexplored part of the map.
Title: Re: Renagade Orange-shirt Thoughts
Post by: Tolc on June 17, 2015, 08:16:17 pm
I can see an argument that they, in particular, would *never* surrender ;)

Well, yeah. That could be one way to look at it ;)