General Category > Stars Beyond Reach Beta Phase 1-2 Discussion

Question from Chris: What's killing you?

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I see you guys are having a longer discussion about things, and that's cool -- please do keep doing that, and I'm going to pretty much stay out of there because the discussion is long and I can't really read and respond to stuff of that length without derailing all my work for the day.  I'm already about 3 hours into my workday without actually starting any work except doing mantis and similar, so that's not a great start. ;)

What I'm looking for in this thread are more... semi-conclusions based on the other thread.  Please keep the main body of your discussion there, and then if you have small things you want to lob my way here, then lets have them.  Things I can digest easily, and then potentially improve for you.

Specifically, a few things I noticed:
1. Trash is supposedly killing a lot of you.  That really surprises me, because it should be easy to avoid that.  It used to kill me as well, but I managed to rebalance things so I don't die from that at all anymore.  I'm not sure if your cities are designed in such a way that this is happening, or if it's actually pollution that is doing you in.  I'd love to see savegames of your nearly-dead scenarios if you have them.

2. Crime is obviously the big killer.  In general if you have savegames of where you're nearly dead from it, I'd love to see your cities and I may have some questions about why you did this or that.  Just trying to understand how you guys are getting into these bottlenecks and thus what I can do to prevent that in the future.

I figured that crime might be something that impaled a lot of you redshirts, haha.  It was one of the biggest things that kept getting me prior to beta, but now that I know how to play and have adjusted a lot of things I'm finding it easy to manage for myself.  But that might mean "if you know the secret pattern this is easy, otherwise it is death" (that's bad), or it might mean "if you play in certain ways, you head into decline if you're not warned about XYZ."  I'm not sure if this is an interface or a mechanics problem or a bit of both, but either way it's fixable.  You wouldn't believe how much knob-turning I've done on crime in the last two weeks.  I was getting some mall shootings the likes of which you probably wouldn't believe.  150 people dead in one mall on a turn, etc.  Or maybe that's still happening to you?

Anyway, normally I'd want stuff on mantis, but this is a bit more freeform, so posting in this thread for now would be great.


I already rambled on in great detail about my overall experience in a topic I just made, but on the specific subject of what finally wrecked me.... it wasnt garbage, and it wasnt crime.  It was disease, and pollution. 

Garbage was easy to handle.  Keep an eye on the number, drop a dump... BAM, problem solved! 

Crime?  Oh I had it go really freaking high at one point, but I was actually able to fix it up very fast.   Smash a few buildings in strategic spots, plop down riot police in those locations... problem was solved pretty fast.

But disease?  It was like dominoes.  Which are on fire, covered in bees, and explode violently when toppled.  Once it started, it was too late.  I fought against it as long as I could, but there really wasnt any stopping it.  Couldnt do anything.  didn't help that the only anti-disease building I'm aware of takes quite some time to get to.... and the anti-pollution thing, the hazmat, just didn't seem to DO much.

So yeah, that's what got me.  Very abruptly.

Captain Jack:
Trash is the symptom. Pollution-->crime seems to be the disease. Which is appropriate, because once trash piles up you get diseases which then kill you stone dead. Or rather don't because ~300 citizens will always survive, even when infected with five separate diseases.

There's a really interesting cascade effect where you get a small amount of crime in one turn, and next turn you are knee deep in dead bodies and all that entails. There's no way to react to this, you either don't have any crime or you're spiraling.

Makes a guy want to nerve staple the population and be done with it.  ;D

I'll check my savegames, might be able to provide before and after.

If you don't build a trash dump and rely on incineration, then as soon as you break the barrier, the litter starts to accumulate, which then starts the litter - pollution - crime death spiral.


--- Quote from: x4000 on April 15, 2015, 10:46:21 am ---

2. Crime is obviously the big killer.  In general if you have savegames of where you're nearly dead from it, I'd love to see your cities and I may have some questions about why you did this or that.  Just trying to understand how you guys are getting into these bottlenecks and thus what I can do to prevent that in the future.

--- End quote ---

I had a game with over 2 million crime in the end. I should have screenshotted it or saved it. But I'm very confident that I can manage that "abandona ll hope here" state again.

In the end the city looked more like a smog cloud instead of a city. Funny how 100 people can be such criminals...


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