- Misery's Problems
- Early game is boring.
- There is no early game pressure from anything.
- There is no point to exploring because there isn't sufficient gains to do so.
1. Add pressure from environment, see:
http://www.arcengames.com/forums/index.php/topic,17586.0.html2. Add increase Other AI Race involvement, see Chris working an AI soon.
3. Add exploration and expansion aspect detailed below.
Exploration and Expansion Enhancement
By making the terrain matter, we can get the player to expand outwards and then be attacked by the AI Races and AI Monsters.
New Buildings
Fish Boat - Produce X units of food when placed on water. Grants 17% fishing adjacency bonus to adjacent fishing boats. Grants 17% Crown bonus to adjacent Fishing Harvest Center.
Fishing Harvest Center - Produce Y Crowns. Grants adjacent fishing boats 25% food production.
Mining Rig - Produce X Crowns. When placed on rugged terrain +25% income. When placed on mountain terrain +50% income. Grants 17% Income increase to adjacent Mining Center. Grants 17% income increase to adjacent mining rigs.
Mining Center - Produces Y Crowns. Grants 25% Crown bonus to adjacent Factories.
Lumber Camp - Produces Y Crowns. Can only be placed on Forest or Jungle. If terrain is changed to nonForest/Jungle, income drops to 0 or build self-destructs. Grants 17% income increase to adjacent Lumber Mill. Grants 17% income increase to adjacent Lumber Camps.
Lumber Mill - Produces Z Crowns. Grants 17% increase to adjacent Lumber Camps. Grant 17% income increase to adjacent Factories.
Additional Changes
Drop income from banks an other sources.
Terrain now matters. Factories suddenly become very good economic producers. Factories crown income is boosted by resource produces which in turn are boosted by the raw resource buildings. As a freebie we also now have some reason for having ocean holdings. (We'd like to have some house boats and restaurant boats, but that is a larger project.)
Because terrain matters, we now have motivation to scout and spread out. Because we spread out we get attacked.