So my first impression is that I'm awful in this game :'D And that losing is painfully slow situation where I have no idea what to do to fix things
So first game ever: Stuck without money. I don't know why, but I have credits at negative
Well at zero, but I don't know why I keep losing so many credits, do I have too many buildings or something? Things went downhill after I tried building another city..
Second game: Burlusts. I sucked in military and they kept expanding and sending barrack troops to shoot my stuff
My newest game: Surrounded by thoraxians who don't do anything besides destroying my buildings when they create underground hubs and expanding their terraforming over mine -_-; Seriously at this point they surround me. Oh and I have had several problems: Been unable to raise population level, having too much empty housing, meal resource being negative(dunno why), negative credits after toxin epidemic... So basically I'm now at 0 credits again
I dunno what I did wrong with population and housing this time around... I had lots of money too since I built banks and yet I lost all my money when trying to stop disease...
Also, not sure what meters in landing thing/civic centre do <_<; I should probably test them out more. And I'm wondering if I'm misunderstanding how hazmat works... It cleans pollution right?... I've been trying to terraform in last game, but I'm not sure how to keep terraforming since computer is kinda doing it much better than me(I guess they have much more resources?) so oxygen and carbon percent was still like 2% while all thoraxian important gases were like 20%... And then I have to built on top of my terraformed spaces, I guess thats a bad thing, but not sure
Oh, and for some reason when I build resource gathering thing on resource and then building mentioned in tooltip, I can't select resource in dropdown menu in building's info screen? I could do it at one point, in newest game, but then I noticed later that dragon bug(?) resource on guildhall wasn't there anymore <_<; Dunno why that happens.. Did it run out?