Author Topic: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta  (Read 2666 times)

Offline ptarth

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Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:46:56 pm »
Much of the language going around right now is rather negative, which because it is a first draft beta, is to be expected. It's not that reflective of the experience, but is the focus of the bug reporting. So instead of talking more about pollution woes, I want to talk about things that we enjoyed, found amusing, or really appreciated.

One thing really made me happy was Farms. I know, it sounds ridiculous, but I really like having vast connected fields of farms. I design my cities with my farms in the plains and they must be adjacent to one another. I like the effect. I won't build farms in isolation, they must be connected to my farming community. I'm also campaigning to have Chris allow multiple tile designs for buildings so that I can get all sorts of different types of farms. Groves of Oranges, Strawberry fields, Cornfields, etc.

Another thing was finding the smog layer and seeing the Acutians smog cloud of death. Everyone knows that that Acutians are horribly environmentally insensitive (facilitated by being robots). However, to actually see the smog pouring out of their cities really brings home how they exist. Its the difference between describing something and actually seeing something. It makes a big difference is how authentic and genuine your feelings about something area. I also had a real feeling of joy knowing that I was upwind from those guys, as opposed to those suckers, the Evuck, who were downwind. It was also terrifying when I first encountered it. I was working on pollution & smog management when I saw this roiling cloud of Red pouring over the horizon. At first I thought it was a volcano or something horrible happening, and then suspected it was just a bug. A few turns later my scouts revealed the Acutians and then I was able to put it all together.
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2015, 04:07:45 pm »
something pleased me greatly was how fantastic your linguistics start with the zenith I actually started with lvl 4 with the acutions which is just fap tastic.

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2015, 04:20:18 pm »
I'm enjoying this thread. :)
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Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2015, 04:29:11 pm »
I like the graphics. Really much. The different appearance fo the race buildings fit perfectly to the specific races. Fenyn with their camouflage like buildings that blend in the nature. Peltians with their old german-like buildings. The Acutians with their rusty appearance and their "1.) hug nature 2.)??? 3.) Profit" buildings (have you seen Acutian harvestors? The file name is "Devastator" and fits perfectly the design).
I also like the chibi-like icons in the skill tree. The tiny aliens are so cute, especially the Peltians. Peltians are really cute with their snouts and their 6 legs.

I fought an open war with the Peltians (with Krolin as my race) and the feeling of destroying the chain of their buildings, getting deeper into theor territory, seeing already their city center, that was an amazing feeling. However, sudden outbreak of diseases stopped me right there otherwise I could have crushed them. This needs to be fixed as soon as possible it is just annoying to get stopped right in your track when you are so close to something big.

I think what I really like the most at the game are the artworks/the design. It looks really beautiful. Ai War and TLF looked also nice on their own way but because they were settled in space you didn't had any details, all you see is ships, ships and more ships. Looking actually at the buildings and artworks of the races makes it a lot more beautiful.
Also, this might sound ridiculous but might it be possible that the Yali and Hydral are somewhat related? Maybe a subspecies? They have similiar outlooks, the Hydral are more like big sea snakes while the Yali are more viper-like. Maybe I'm just seeing things but it would be cool if there are some relationship between these races (or any races).

Offline Pumpkin

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2015, 04:46:45 pm »
Much of the language going around right now is rather negative, which because it is a first draft beta, is to be expected. It's not that reflective of the experience, but is the focus of the bug reporting. So instead of talking more about pollution woes, I want to talk about things that we enjoyed, found amusing, or really appreciated.
I'm enjoying this thread. :)
Excellent idea!

For my part, I love building. I love exploring the tech tree. I love adjusting crops production, water extraction, cooking, employment, housing... so sad pollution/crime/disease was still imba... Sorry, we said positive!

I totally agree with Ptarth and Vampire: artwork is awesome and sooo pleasant. Yeah, building big farms and residential or industrial districts is fun. So much potential! Don't stop now, guyz, there's still much to be done, but there's so much fun to polish out of it! (seems like a precious stone: rough and dirty but so beautiful inside when you cut and polish it)
Please excuse my english: I'm not a native speaker. Don't hesitate to correct me.

Offline GarathJJ

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2015, 06:12:57 pm »
The very idea of the linguistics system is just fantastic, to me. Why *would* you be able to talk to all these alien races, after all? I really enjoy trying to work out what the options mean just a little earlier than I'm necessarily supposed to be doing that. :)


Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2015, 06:31:58 pm »
Well, I can hardly understand why the Evucks shouldn't be maxed at linguistics from the beginning. They are telephatically beings that can just read your mind. But besides that I also like the linguistic system. It adds something exotic to the game. Diplomacy is hindered by speech barriers more than anything else at the start. How do you tell a race that you want a peaceful union when ou cannot speak their language?
Civilization takes all that away even if you can clearly hear that they all speack different languages.

Offline tbrass

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2015, 09:54:22 pm »
Being able to read your mind wouldn't enable one to communicate. I know you're thinking about Spaghetti Bolognese and a salad with balsamic vinaigrette. But if you only spoke Japanese, I'd have no way to effectively discuss this meal with you.  Telepathy could greatly improve later negotiations, but without a language basis for communication, it would do little good (other than a situation where you think something like: if those jerks don't leave my land, I'll bomb them into the stone age.) But even then, while I might be able to control my behavior, if I responded to your statement by calling you an idiot, you might get offended and bomb me.

I love the linguistics, and absolutely agree re: fields of farms. Definitely enjoying exploring the game.

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2015, 10:02:54 pm »
Okaythat makes sense. It also explains why Evuck get a boost on learning linguistics. Like you said, it helps them in better understanding the other races but they still have to learn the language.

What do you people thnk of the race specific skills? Do you think they fit the races ( I laughed at the Zenith ones. I immidatly understood the reference. Int he end I had huge amouts of energy with only 4 generators) or have you thought something other would have been better?
I think the team did a good job on assigning skills that fit the themes of the races. Skylaxians are powerful diplomats and scientists, they have a better resaerch rate and other peopke are more likely to like them.
Zenith generate tons of energy with their higher technology. Fenyn can produce with their natural theme more crops as other races (doubling the output of crops), Peltians have a higher birth rate (sure, where should the whole suicide bombers else come from?).

Have anyone found out if there are also race specific techs? Maybe somewhere in the higher tiers? And I don't mean the AI controlled races.

Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2015, 10:03:02 pm »
i think what i am liking the most right now is all the complexity that is in the game, that there are so many facets to it. That there are small things and big things, and how things work differently here and there and the races are different and have different strengths and different weaknesses, and how you can't just roll over them all with fast research and big guns, that there has to be a multi approach to trying this, and then waiting and trying something else, and seeing how that changes things and then something else... which should mean that with the RNG and all the variables that each time i sit down to play a game, i will get something different, that i will have to figure out how to approach. Differently than i did in the last game.

That for me, is what really makes this cool. I loved GalCiv and Sword of the Stars. GalCiv got a bit redundant, because i could do a lot of the same things and pull off a win, not everytime mind you, but it seemed like a lot. SOTS was different in that i couldn't always do the same thing, at least not with any reliability at pulling off a win.

And SBR seems to have that in spades, the 'every time is different' sort of feel, at least i am getting that impression from all the talk. And to me, that is really, really something to cherish.  :)

Well, sorry to get all teary - eyed, but what can i say? :)  I really really like that sort of thing, haha.  :)


Offline ptarth

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2015, 02:45:53 am »
In my first post I mocked the Evucks, karma has a way of evening out these things.

So gather around and listen to the Tale of the Glorious First Skylaxian Wall. You see, back in the founding of the city we had recently come up with cost effective disease control techniques and were ensured that our city would not be destroyed by the ravages of disease any longer. It may be weakened, but no longer would our people die in such numbers to blot out the sun. So we built. We built an idyllic land of wonder and delight. Filled with beautiful parks for our people, places for them to work, safety provided by our brave enforcers, and a solid industrial complex built far to the east. Our beautiful blue skies were the highlight of any sentient’s trip to Ivoria. However, one fateful day on Turn 92, while performing a routine pollution check, our technicians noted an abnormality. There was a strange coating of dust lining the homes of people in maintaining our western forest Solar Panel farms. Thinking this odd, but believing this to be a trivial problem, a report was filed and attentions shifted to other concerns. Perhaps it was an after effect of our new Spirian neighbors harvesting some poisonous vermin out of the plains or perhaps it was our new state of the art research institution. The technicians wrote up a report and requested a single hazmat installation to keep our air crystal clean. And so the turns progressed.

No one knew that this fateful day marked the beginning of the end of our peaceful life. A few turns later, another technician performed a routine scanning of the efficiency of our single hazmat facility in the Solar Panel farms. What he saw, chilled his hearts and would permanent alter the course of our people. What had started as a light dusting of soot, had turned into a raging black cloud of acid raid, ashes, and more ammonium based compounds of dubious nature than we could identify. Quickly an alarm was raised for teams to be sent to investigate. Their return caused greater alarm, what had been thought to be just a few hexes of moderate pollution, was rapidly revealed to be a wave of total redness with pollution levels into the 20s. And it was fast approaching our borders. With alarm our leaders responded by ceasing all expansion and expenditures across the empire and started the deployment of counter hazmat environmental clean up crews. Our first wave was 5 brave facilities, certainly thought to be sufficient to stop it, but they were not. They managed to thin the wave, but it was still coming. Another 5 hazmat facilities were deployed to the area in support. Our people rejoiced as the red waves of terror and death faded into the light yellow of minor annoyance. However, this relief was short lived, as the pollution sought another path, as if was guided by the hand of some sick devil. Draw by this evil hand, the pollution began to move, not directly toward us as it had been, but to curl around the sides of our line of 10 valiant environmental protection facilities. Once again we rose to oppose this menace by dropping another 5 hazmat facilities into the melee. Certainly, nothing on Ivoria would be producing a wave of pollution 15 hexes wide with a density that exceeds a removal strength of 500 pollution units per turn per hex.

And then, we were struck, not from the front, but from behind. Some of our people, upset at the smog and emboldened by the lack of security in the region, began the Great Riot of Turn 102. Thousands of us were suddenly struck dead by these rioters. Our people, disillusioned by this loss of life, deserted their posts to morn for the dead, hazmat facilities went off line, stock exchanges and banks were forced closed to honor the loss of life and prevent more such tragedy. It was then that the Southern Lake Cemetery, the Eastern Southern Lake Cemetery, and the More Eastern Southern Lake Cemetery were built as a final resting place for these brave Skylaxians. Even then, fate was not done playing its cruel tricks.

Our front line had been abandoned. Most of us had been lost in the riots, and still others too overcome by emotions and small bullet wounds to defend the city. With the lack of full employment our hazmat facilities were too weak to halt the oncoming wave of red death. Once again, the full funding and might of the city was brought to bear on the situation. Three police stations were immediately dropped to prevent further riots on the line of defense. Another three were placed scattered across the city to ensure that no opportunistic temptations would distract our people in our continuing war.  And lastly, another Accelerated Birth Center was place to bolster our population growth to 100, a truly outrageous number of children to be had each turn.

However, this lack gave our foe the momentum in the conflict, and we again paid a fearful price. The arrival of the pollution into the heart of our Solar Panel Farms brought with it the Great Carmine Fever Plague of turns 110 to 117. Our people were suddenly struck down by the fearful blight. Our first knowledge of it was when all 5000 of us awoke with skin a sickly shade of scarlet. Our scientists after consulting the notes made about the temporary workaround of Diseases.xlsx, ensured us that we would recover in 1-2 turns, and we would lose possibly 500 people total. A terrible tragedy, but the Great Riot of Turn 102 had proven so much more deadly that were would be able to absorb the losses and reverse this course of this terrible war. Two turns passed and things were proceeding as expected, we were certain that the disease would be solved and life would return to normal, efforts were made to bolster our line of defense and to increase power supplies. With our Western Solar Farms being tainted by soot, we ordered the development of a new series of Solar Plants to the north, around the Bay of Absolutely Nothing of Interest.

The first two turns past with sadness, but patience. It would be over soon. A third turn passed, casualties were increasing and the great More Eastern Southern Lake Cemetery was rapidly filling. After hurried consultations our leader put forward a two-part plan. In the first, the Most Eastern Southern Lake Cemetery and More Most Eastern Southern Lake Cemetary were ordered into construction. In the second a series of 5 new Disease Control Facilities were added to the new lands of North of the bay of Absolutely Nothing of Interest. Four more turns of terror and death followed, with concerns ever increasing that the workaround was not working. Then, on the dawn of the seventh turn, we awoke, cured of the foul plague. We rejoiced even as we mourned our losses. While the disease had been deadly, our enhanced population production system had kept the line intact and operating. The pollution had been pushed back and the cloud was held at bay. There was even weakness showing in the distance (two hexes away).

It should be noted that fortunately a –360 planet approval rating did not trigger anything else during this period, it was our good fortune that our war against the grey dark cloud was a single fronted affair.

It was then that the true masters of this evil were revealed. It was then that the first of the Acutian Giga Lasers fell upon us. No one likes to recall the early days of the war. The Acutians in their soulless lust struck without honor, without mercy, and without the ability to talk with them. We lacked the 2300 linguistic points to even begin to understand them. Those were a dark day. Many buildings were started and many people were lost. Many investments were made into expensive defense buildings that were destroyed before the second of four turns could pass. In the end, our line with its 93k attack helipad interceptors were able to hold off the initial Acutians onslaught.

We survived.
The Wall survived.
As so we stand, here in its shade, a wall born of Hazmat facilities, Guard Posts, Barracks, and Helipads, supported by police stations. The blood of our people lies in its stones as do upwards of one million crowns.
The Wall endures; it stands against the Acutians and their evil servant, the infamous cloud of pollution. In time we will move beyond it, to strike against, not just the arms of the pollution cloud, but to its Spice Extracting Heart.

Until then, it shall shelter us, a bastion against all east drifting pollution clouds of less than 19 tiles wide along our latitude.

So when all is dark, when hope is nearing its end, remember the wall, remember its strength, and hold fast, for rescue is coming.

At least it will if this single random Boarine Barracks doesn’t continue to push up along the week side of the line, and isn’t followed by another horde of pig-elephant-weremonsters.
Note: This post contains content that is meant to be whimsical. Any belittlement or trivialization of complex issues is only intended to lighten the mood and does not reflect upon the merit of those positions.

Offline Misery

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2015, 07:05:41 am »
If I had to pick one "best" thing, mine would be very, very simple:

It's a strategy game that doesnt make me impatient.  Well, more impatient than usual, that is.

Granted, there's the occaisional time when it'll randomly take oddly long periods of time between turns.... I typically figure this means some epic war is being waged somewhere on the map, and the little snots involved in it have purposefully done this somewhere still hidden by clouds specifically so that I cant see the chaos.   One of these days, they'll pay for that, they will. 

Offline mllange

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2015, 10:49:34 am »
The very idea of the linguistics system is just fantastic, to me. Why *would* you be able to talk to all these alien races, after all? I really enjoy trying to work out what the options mean just a little earlier than I'm necessarily supposed to be doing that. :)


+1 - this is a terrific mechanic in principle. I would like to see it extended such that the more you have meaningful interaction with another race you see some positive modifier in the linguistics with that race.

Offline TheVampire100

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2015, 02:58:18 am »
Okay, after an intense testing session I have to say: 0.800 is definiatly better. Since we have now a fair chance in fighting diseases I got much further into the game, eve achieving my first (transendence) victory.
Some stuff I really like:

-Teleporting: Holy shit is this stuff op. Needs a lot of work but once you have it the stratecially possibilities are near endless.

-Disease control: finally seeing what each disease does is a lot mor ehelpful. The new disease control mechanics in the city hub are useful and make it in combination with other buildings possible to eridicate diseases. i think I exterminated 5 diseases from 8 I had in the end.

-Destorying other races: I wiped the Zenith of the surface of this planet. that will teach them to take every resource spot I wanted! Also I started a destruction campaign against the Thoraxians. normalle bad idea but the Thoraxians had hands full to defend against the combined attacks of Peltians and Evucks and didn't bother my back stab for long. I breached directly to the hive queen but the nest is really tough. I closed the game but I will return to it and end her. We all know she deserves it.

-Experimenting with military Buildings: The variety of buildings types is rather short however choosing what you take has still a very deep impact. I was surprised how small the damage of missile strikes is compared to the cheaper helipad. Until I realized that missiles cannot be countered.They may be weak but they are failproof hits that can destory the interceptors and breach the defenses for your true attack force. Ouch.

-City Grid: This is Intel wonderland. I like to educate myself about the differences of the races so I know how I can fight them.

Funny enough, my big conqueror save game is with the Skylaxians which are more scientific and diplomatic and rely only on war if they have to. Well, when someone asks, I will just say it was for the greater good of the planet.
I didn't find the Acutians. Their pollution numbers were crazy and i wanted to see how bad it looks at the city. 

So far this game is very entertaining with all the little new toys. What I don't get, what do the procedural market items? They boost something but besides the quality the game does not tell me what exactly they boost.

Offline crazyroosterman

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Re: Good, Amusing, or Positive Experiences with the Beta
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2015, 05:01:37 am »
you really think missiles are weak in my game at the moment(which is the first one I've had a chance to use missiles in) my missiles are capable of one shooting the zenith resource collectors and golems then again though that could be because I'm playing as the peltians.