Tutorials not implemented yet. Writing some down may be something that Chris would be able to use to reduce his workload. Or at least keep us busy and out of his few remaining hairs.
Basic Mechanics
Crime, Pollution, Energy, Crowns, Death, Birth, Disease, science, atmosphere,
Basic Interface & Gameplay
Placing Building, Build distance, adjacency bonuses, wonder bonuses, building information
Advanced Mechanics
war, interception, rage, temperature, terraforming
The Crown is the basic unit of currency. Crowns are used to pay for buildings, building upkeep, and trade treaties. Crowns are gained by trade treaties and buildings. In the early game your primary way of gaining crowns is via banks and if you are lucky, placing a terrarium on a valid special resource. Lesser income sources will come from factories and shopping malls. Later, you'll be able to build more advanced buildings like the Stock Market, make treaties exporting market items to other races for crowns, and have a wide variety of special resources. There is an overlay to show crown production (which will eventually also have crown usage).
There are two major types of crown building income, government (factories, extractors, shopping malls) and banks (banks) (this isn't quite right). These income types can also be boosted by Market Items, adjacency bonuses, and special wonders. Take care to pay attention when you have access to these bonuses because they really boost your incomes.