General Category > Stars Beyond Reach Beta Phase 1-2 Discussion

Cyborg's updated review

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* It would be nice if I could find the technologies I was looking for without scrolling through the tree. Can't find a thing. I know that I need missile interceptors, but I can't find them.
* I don't understand territories.
* I don't understand expanding.
* I don't understand diplomacy.
* I don't know how to win. Or what the objective is.

I'm still just plopping down buildings and hoping for the best. I think I'm just bouncing hard off this game.

Captain Jack:
Sounds like. At the very least I know the tech tree is going to be reshuffled several times just this month, and diplomacy is going to be completely different in a week or two, so hold tight.

Territories and expansion WILL need documentation and tutorialization before release, but in the meantime try dropping a military building or a Civic Center in a territory you want. Resource extractors might count as well. Think of these as zones of control, first to plant a flag gets to build in it, everyone else has to stay out unless they want to get stuck in.

Winning... well frankly the game isn't quite balanced for winning yet. I'm not sure if the victory screen is even coded yet. But the steps to win are like every Civilization game ever. Either dominate the other civs by blowing them to the stone age, or reach the end of the tech tree and follow the instructions you get when you do.


--- Quote from: Watashiwa on June 30, 2015, 10:06:04 pm ---Territories and expansion WILL need documentation and tutorialization before release, but in the meantime try dropping a military building or a Civic Center in a territory you want. Resource extractors might count as well. Think of these as zones of control, first to plant a flag gets to build in it, everyone else has to stay out unless they want to get stuck in.

--- End quote ---

Not any more:

--- Quote ---Version 0.901 (Released June 30th, 2015)
    Resource gathering buildings (of the players and the AI) no longer capture territories.

--- End quote ---

Military buildings (I usually use a guardpost, nice and cheap) or civic centres are the way to go.


--- Quote from: Cyborg on June 30, 2015, 09:48:00 pm ---* I don't know how to win. Or what the objective is.
I'm still just plopping down buildings and hoping for the best. I think I'm just bouncing hard off this game.

--- End quote ---

Until the tutorial is in, you need to treat it like a sandbox game. I view it like Sim City - I try to grow my city. That means fixing the current issues each turn (more housing? crime? pollution? disease?). That leads into planning ("Ok, so farms can go over *there*, I'll have the industrial sector down there...") which leads into grabbing a few territories to make space. Sooner or later someone will attack you, and then you can worry about military... ;)

In other words, you don't really "win" right now, because thats still being worked on (I did achieve a space victory, but without the lore and shiny graphics that will come later, it felt hollow :P). For now, pick a goal of your own and enjoy the ride.

Actually I feel kind of like the OP. There is a definite lack of early objective and mid objectives (not to mention end-objective). It's gotten better with territories, but I think whatever ideas are supposed to be in the game to "create" those just ain't coded yet.

I generally stop expanding more or less when I get to 30k income because the "town" I build works and it's more or less 1 or 2 military building / turn. I don't think it's the point.


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