Author Topic: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)  (Read 735 times)

Offline MaskityMask

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Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:34:59 pm »
So my first impression is that I'm awful in this game :'D And that losing is painfully slow situation where I have no idea what to do to fix things

So first game ever: Stuck without money. I don't know why, but I have credits at negative :P Well at zero, but I don't know why I keep losing so many credits, do I have too many buildings or something? Things went downhill after I tried building another city..

Second game: Burlusts. I sucked in military and they kept expanding and sending barrack troops to shoot my stuff

My newest game: Surrounded by thoraxians who don't do anything besides destroying my buildings when they create underground hubs and expanding their terraforming over mine -_-; Seriously at this point they surround me. Oh and I have had several problems: Been unable to raise population level, having too much empty housing, meal resource being negative(dunno why), negative credits after toxin epidemic... So basically I'm now at 0 credits again :'( I dunno what I did wrong with population and housing this time around... I had lots of money too since I built banks and yet I lost all my money when trying to stop disease...

Also, not sure what meters in landing thing/civic centre do <_<; I should probably test them out more. And I'm wondering if I'm misunderstanding how hazmat works... It cleans pollution right?... I've been trying to terraform in last game, but I'm not sure how to keep terraforming since computer is kinda doing it much better than me(I guess they have much more resources?) so oxygen and carbon percent was still like 2% while all thoraxian important gases were like 20%... And then I have to built on top of my terraformed spaces, I guess thats a bad thing, but not sure

Oh, and for some reason when I build resource gathering thing on resource and then building mentioned in tooltip, I can't select resource in dropdown menu in building's info screen? I could do it at one point, in newest game, but then I noticed later that dragon bug(?) resource on guildhall wasn't there anymore <_<; Dunno why that happens.. Did it run out?
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 07:49:02 pm by MaskityMask »

Offline Captain Jack

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2015, 08:08:59 pm »
Haha, sounds real familiar.  8)

Just so you know, population is limited both to total meals available and housing. In order to make a meal, you need food (from farms), water (aquifers), and restaurants.

Pollution is handled kind of interestingly last I checked: there's a one-turn delay in cleaning, and it always moves to the right. So let's say you have a polluter and a hazmat next to each other. The hazmat will clean up pollution and it moves to the right step by step, but it can't overtake pollution, since pollution cannot be cleaned the turn it is created. In short? Don't worry about it, just build hazmats and bomb the Acutians off the planet.

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2015, 04:52:43 am »
Okay, Zenith are awesome. At least judging by that I'm doing best with them so far. They seem to have nice differences from other two normal races, I'd almost classify them as easy but I'm not sure if I'm just smarter this time around :P I guess it helps that only jerks attacking me are peltians

Seriously though,  do zenith have different tech tree or something? I could swear it looks different now...

What does solar mapping do? And what does debt on international banks do, I'm kinda afraid of bulding them because of that and because they case so much planet rage that I'm not sure if they are worth it especially since I apparently suck at managing pollution(yay that zenith have pollution disease immunity upgrade :D)

Also, I hadn't previously realized that if you build on top of terraformed land, terraformed terrain spreads...*headdesk* That would have been nice to know and would have made things bit easier xD

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2015, 10:39:01 am »
Dang peltians(or disease, but I think I might have gotten that from them :p) ruined my economy, they suddenly started to build a lot of ports and I was unable to destroy them for some reason when I noticed them too late <_< Had to bomb half of their city by using buildings(the air transport one) to get missiles south of them, to get them stop being jerks, but I think it helped that those giant worm things started popping up. I was for some reason for a while unable to do any damage with my attacks... Thats so confusing

Also one of those worm things popped up in my city and destroy half of it, including lander so I now have new civic centre :P I had no clue how to destroy that thing, it seemed to lose hp after each attack and now it has finally disappeared... I'm not dead, but that was frustrating as hell and I have no clue why and what xP Have to build things again, I hope burlust expanding on thoraxian stuff(thoraxians are nice besides when they build underneath me :p I think shooting their tunnel entrances on this game made them stop so they have been nice)

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2015, 08:45:11 pm »
So evucs are now the most awesome race, zenith don't compare(to be fair, it just might be that evacuate skill is broken and saves much more population that it is supposed to :p But anti disease skills means that most common death cause(besides worms) is practically impossible with evucs ^_^ I don't think the other race with evacuate skill had anything to protect themselves from diseases) I've managed to handle even the worms(learned they are allergic to missiles :p), which now make sense since they are supposed to be end game enemies on volcano path <_<; No wonder game was ridiculously hard(besides with evucs. Since they are awesome).

I was trying to get ridicolous amount of power(2,000,000? Wow) for the escape planet ending buildings, but for some reason my crowns seem to reset to my income each turn meaning I can't get more than 30,000 at max even if I don't buy anything :( That kinda ended my game for today, mantised in case it was bug

Also, my evuc game is on snow planet which I say I kinda love. I dunno why, something about it feels nice.. Too tired to think right now Only thing to improve would be to have the snow melt when temperature rises. If I'm not wrong, ice can get thinner and melt on snow planet? Maybe I imagined that...

Noticed some random issues like shield generator not working after I rebuilt new one after my old one got destroyed and info screen sometimes being bit buggy <_< Need to mantis those when I remember and have slept more...
« Last Edit: May 08, 2015, 08:47:16 pm by MaskityMask »

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2015, 02:34:59 am »
Oh, forgot to say it but I also completed linquistics completely so I can talk to everyone now. Interestingly, races have something to say even once they have been wiped out(and its unique convo too!). But yeah, if anyone has any questions, I can comment on them, the options are pretty

Offline Zebeast46

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2015, 09:05:18 am »
I have a question, for completely wiping out a race do you also have to destroy all the scouting stations of that race which may be scattered across the map. Because I was trying to wipe out the neinzul and I destroyed their nest and all their buildings (I think) but it does not count them as being wiped out probably be ause of the scouting stations.
AI 1 = Chris.

AI 2 = Keith.

Taken from Bognor

Offline MaskityMask

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2015, 05:20:10 pm »
I dunno since last acutian building that got destroyed by grials was their headquarters. And they still have population in city grid(well, considering they can reply in diplomacy screen i guess that does confirm they aren't extinct dead :p) despite all buildings of theirs being scrap

Offline ptarth

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Re: Maskie's impressions(orangeshirt)
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2015, 01:09:43 pm »
AI Race surrendering isn't functioning as intended yet. Mainly, they don't surrender.
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