General Category > Stars Beyond Reach Beta Phase 1-2 Discussion

Big horrible feedback blob

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--- Quote from: x4000 on April 15, 2015, 12:02:22 pm ---I'm totally cool with all the feedback, though big blobs aren't my preferred.  But whatever works for folks, I suppose.

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Yeah, it typically isnt what most people prefer at all... responses to my typical posts on many forums involve.... nothing, because people dont read the damn things through.  Mostly it's just an irritating side effect of my blasted condition:  If I dont say everything when it occurs to me, 20 minutes later I wont remember it.  Or I'll remember some, but if I try to write it out in smaller bits, well, an hour later those bits wont even seem to make sense even to me.  Which.... kinda unproductive, that.   This is why I never took notes back in school, hah. 

--- Quote from: ptarth on April 15, 2015, 12:23:54 pm ---
* Tiles & Terraforming
* I'm not sure why we can or should bulldoze forests and mountains. Can we eventually plant forests/mountains?
* Building placement.
* Things that matter for building placement are: Crime, Pollution, and ?
* I'd like to see Crime production information on buildings.
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The bit about the crime and pollution is interesting... those do seem to be the core reasons behind the positioning of basically everything.   If the effect/impact of those two things is weakened, the necessity of careful planning might fall apart.  Maybe there needs to be something else there too?

And I'd wondered that about the terraforming and such myself... couldnt think of a reason to do any of that.


--- Quote from: Misery on April 15, 2015, 12:33:36 pm ---The bit about the crime and pollution is interesting... those do seem to be the core reasons behind the positioning of basically everything.   If the effect/impact of those two things is weakened, the necessity of careful planning might fall apart.  Maybe there needs to be something else there too?
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The other games I've seen with positioning mechanics have largely been board(card) games.  And it usually works in a "if this specific card is adjacent to that generic card, candy."  E.g. "this is a park (recreation type).  For each adjacent residential type, +1 victory points when scored."  "This is a small apartment complex (residential type).  For each adjacent transport type, +1 population."  "This is a grocery store (commercial type), for each adjacent residential type, +1 income."

And so on, in an intricate web of bonuses and counter-bonuses, leading to multiple deep and valid strategies.  One where knowing what buildings exist in the future (and their specific bonuses) doesn't matter as much, because you can plan for the general case: this is a park, I want a residential there, oh hey a new residential type *plop.*

Captain Jack:

--- Quote from: ptarth on April 15, 2015, 12:23:54 pm ---
* I didn't find the scouting fun. I found it tedious. As a first solution, if you don't use the sonar/scout for the term, have it automatically pick somewhere for you.
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Scouting does happen automatically every turn. Sonar has to be actively thanks to asshole Thoraxians and their tunnels.

(Finding out you're neighbors with the Thoraxians when they plop a tunnel entrance adjacent to a city outgrowth is horrifying.)

Part of the "problem" (scare quotes because it's not a problem so much as a gameplay conceit) is that we don't know what the upcoming buildings really do until we put them down. Can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not very good at visualization, I need to see something and it's AoE before I can imagine it.


--- Quote from: Watashiwa on April 15, 2015, 12:53:45 pm ---
Scouting does happen automatically every turn. Sonar has to be actively thanks to asshole Thoraxians and their tunnels.

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Does it? I thought the tooltips all claimed it was lost if not used at end of turn.

He is right. It is automated.

Captain Jack:

--- Quote from: ptarth on April 15, 2015, 01:03:09 pm ---
--- Quote from: Watashiwa on April 15, 2015, 12:53:45 pm ---
Scouting does happen automatically every turn. Sonar has to be actively thanks to asshole Thoraxians and their tunnels.

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Does it? I thought the tooltips all claimed it was lost if not used at end of turn.

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I scouted manually all of twice and in my last game my minimap now shows a third of the world.


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