Author Topic: Another idea to give the races more visibility on the main map  (Read 704 times)

Offline nas1m

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How about using the pretty way rogues are displayed (you know the nice gilded frame) for something else: Insert the picture of a race's leader and show the result on a race's main building.

For me, this would achieve multiple things:

a) More visual representation of actual individuals of a race as opposed to their buildings directly on the screen I see most - the map
-> more "personality" for the races -> always good in my book

b) An easy to find indicator to locate a race's HQ
-> I often find myself hunting for these by examining building details -> time consuming and not so fun

c) It would look awesome I think and provide much needed (in my book) flavor

d) It gives the leaders a location on the map, which again is less abtract and gives the player the possibility to think something like: There he sits! Wait **** I will come an get you! ;)

For even more utility this could also be extended by showing the bubbles on the edge of the screen in case the capital building is off-screen to indicate in which direction the respective capital is located. Would be useful for navigation, especially if playing with a zoomed-in view.

Mantised here.
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