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How do you get access to other races territories?

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Good suggestions.

In terms of diplomacy, there is nothing new to unlock, per se.  Nothing new in the interface, although there are pieces of content that need to unlock (those are the international abilities I mentioned).  Basically you can do good or bad things to your neighbors using the abilities, and they react to that.  They will do good or bad things to you as well.  Somewhat "implicit diplomacy," although words are exchanged.  There are a few bits that are more explicit later on, but mostly it's a matter of choosing how to interact with them, and things flowing from there.

Please don't get the wrong idea, though: a lot of the things that are abilities really are diplomatic options in disguise (though they aren't implemented yet).  So things like a mutual exploration treaty would be handled via these abilities.  It will make more sense when you see it, I think -- overall it's pretty straightforward and gives you a really centralized way of looking at your diplomacy with all races, which I'm pleased about.

Amd om terms of buildings that AI neighbors react to, that is also definitely something that is coming.  The local events I've been discussing are exactly that, although we've implemented the framework but basically no events.  That's on my very short-term list.

Ok, cool!

Also note that the abilities to dump trash and bodies do not appear in 0.913 in opposition to the previous buid. Did you remove them for refactoring or is it a bug?


--- Quote from: gnosis on October 01, 2015, 09:07:30 pm ---Also note that the abilities to dump trash and bodies do not appear in 0.913 in opposition to the previous buid. Did you remove them for refactoring or is it a bug?
--- End quote ---

It shows up on the building tooltip but not in the ability stances window, is that right?  That's what I'm seeing for the peltians, anyhow.  What race are you playing as?  The peltians situation is a bug.

Zenith, you can find my save on the recent issues in mantis.

Also ppl I managed to get 13 wonders through war (missile silos are cool) nothing happens not even a message, and of course no act 3 :)

Well the first thing I did to try to figue this out was trying to place field study camps right next to the wonders so perhaps putting it the description box of the field study camps and the descriptions of the wonders would be a good idea, I dont think that putting it in the act 2 opening description seeing as how that already has a lot of words so it might get skimmed over and not fully read.


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