Version 3 is the only version I've played and I just wanted to provide some brief feedback as it is the least I can do for the beta key. I would like to preface this by saying that I actually know almost nothing about the game and this was really my first exposure to it.
I enjoyed the variety of buildings and resources (such as water or electricity) and enjoyed researching new ones. I thought it was unusual that I was researching buildings that had requirements on things that seemed to be later in the tech tree. I think I unlocked office buildings before I had computing power (and some other things as well). Its not a big deal, but thought I would mention it.
Combat was confusing. As I was playing, I began to receive strange messages from a computer, but I had no idea what it was in reference to. Then a bit later I would appear to be in combat with nothing, but after another hour I realized that some neutral monster a million miles away was agro yet did not seem to be actively attacking me. I just kept hitting end turn on these battles and there didn't really seem to be any meaning.
This are my thoughts after about two hours of playtime.
Before I knew it, the AI had taken over the entire map. My goal was to build 4 guild halls and have a high population to complete act 1. I don't think I had access to guild halls unless that is old terminology for "local authority" building. I tried to expand, but it seems that because the AI took over the entire map that the only way I would be able to is with war. I tried to attack the nearest AI local authority, but I wasn't able to do a reasonable amount of damage. I only had access to scouts and a barracks for military. I built about 20 barracks, but after constantly attacking for 30 minutes I was only able to damage the target down to 60%. The tool tip said that my military power was like 500 and the enemy had 250. Anyway, I basically gave up at that point.
The AI I was attacking would periodically appear to "warp" some very strong offenses into my territory only to have them disappear the following turn. I was able to mouse over these units and see that they had about 500 attack power each! That is 6x more than my barracks. I wonder if I just didn't have access to better military and they did?