General Category > Skyward Collapse

What's this new Skyward Collapse board, you ask?

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If there's bacon in this game, I am in.

I am now imagining a tetris game where the pieces go up, and you have soldiers on the pieces, and you have to like tactically fire off rockets to move the pieces so that soldiers can fight each other as they go up while all the way avoiding making a complete line that would delete your army.


--- Quote from: LaughingThesaurus on March 28, 2013, 05:04:20 pm ---I am now imagining a tetris game where the pieces go up, and you have soldiers on the pieces, and you have to like tactically fire off rockets to move the pieces so that soldiers can fight each other as they go up while all the way avoiding making a complete line that would delete your army.

--- End quote ---

I really, really like this idea a lot!!!  :)


That description reminds me of STACKER:

It got next to no attention, but I thought it was a touch of genius. You play a STALKER from the game STALKER (not typing all those periods). The tetris game is you maintaining your inventory, and its contents determine the outcome of your encounters with enemies, rabid dogs, radiation, and mental decay.

If you have a whole AK-47 in your inventory, it's a weapon you can use. Ditto with armor. If a dog shows up in your inventory, you get "bitten" every so often. You can also encounter artifacts (which affect your sanity) and bandits who toss grenades into the mix, which can explode and abuse your HP and damage inventory.

Clearing lines can get rid of junk and deadly stuff, but also damage your inventory. Death and mental disturbance cause your vision to flicker and warp.

It's not the most fun game in the world, especially if you go into it just expecting Tetris, but it is just slightly brilliant. It's also a slightly funny commentary on classic RPG inventory juggling.

That's pretty funny!

Though I can go ahead and confirm that this is in no way a puzzle game in any form.  It's a turn-based strategy game meets god game meets simulation game.  Meets digital board game.  It does involve tile placement, but not in a puzzle sense.


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